Folium: For Typing Characters and Symbols

Folium: For Typing Characters and Symbols (I don’t have “ñ”!)
This is genius in its simplicity.
The website is and it is exactly what it advertises. If you don’t know how, or are too tired of looking up windows ALT codes to create special characters then this is the site for you!
You are presented with a bubble-wrap-like interface that presents you with a set of commonly used ASCII characters. This set also includes all major Spanish accent marks. You also get a lot of fun stuff like music notes, fractions, hands, and other fun things.
You click on the bubble, the symbol automatically copies to your clipboard, and then you paste the symbol anywhere you like! Click to copy, then paste anywhere.
I know for many language academics we’ve taken years to memorize and implement ALT codes in our writing. So it may not be for those advanced users, but it sure is great for the quick off-hand symbol.
I’m adding this site to LEAF’s web resources, so feel free to come back at any time and check it out!