French Grammar: Comparisons of Equality

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French Grammar: Comparisons of Equality
la grammaire française: le comparatif d’égalité
Comparisons of Equality are used to show how two or more people or things have the same (or similar) characteristics when compared to each other. Make sure not to confuse them with Comparisons of Inequality or Comparisons of Quantity.
Comparisons of Equality are used to show how two or more people or things have the same (or similar) characteristics when compared to each other. Make sure not to confuse them with Comparisons of Inequality or Comparisons of Quantity.
Making Comparisons of Equality in French requires a specific grammatical construction. It’s like using a mathematical formula in order to communicate meaning!
Use the following construction to compare characteristics of nouns:
aussi + adjective + que : as (adjective) as
Pierre est aussi grand que moi.
Pierre is as tall as me.
Marie est aussi intelligente que les autres.
Marie is as smart as the others.
Je suis aussi optimiste que mon frère.
I am as optimistic as my brother.
Use the following construction to compare characteristics of verbs:
aussi + (adverb) + que : as (adverb) as
Pierre court aussi vite que moi.
Pierre runs as fast as me.
Marie étudie aussi souvent que les autres.
Marie studies as often as the others.
Je parle français aussi couramment que mon frère.
I speak French as fluently as my brother.
Use the following construction to compare verbs in comparisons of equality:
autant que : as much as
Pierre court autant que moi.
Pierre runs as much as me.
Marie étudie autant que les autres.
Marie studies as much as than the others.
Je parle français autant que mon frère.
I speak French as much as my brother.
Comparisons of Equality and Comparisons of Inequality can also be combined with quantities of objects (nouns), but that is covered in the lesson Comparisons of Quantity.
Roger est aussi jeune que vous?
Is Roger as young as you?
Oui, Roger est aussi jeune que moi.
Yes, Roger is as young as me.
Jim Carrey est aussi drôle que Jerry Seinfeld?
Is Jim Carrey as funny as Jerry Seinfeld?
Oui, Jim Carrey est aussi drôle que Jerry Seinfeld.
Yes, Jim Carrey is as funny as Jerry Seinfeld.
Mon chat est aussi poilu que mon chien.
Yes, my cat is as furry as my dog.
Je chante aussi bien que lui.
I sing as well as him.
Je chante autant que lui.
I sing as much as him.
Suzanne nage aussi mal que Nathalie.
Susanna swims as badly as Nathalie.
Suzanne nage autant que Nathalie.
Suzanne swims as much as Nathalie.
Je mange autant que mon frère.
I eat as much as my brother.