French Grammar: The Past Participle
French Grammar: The Past Participle
la grammaire française: le participe passé
The past participle is the general equivalent of using [-ED] in English. It can be used in a variety of functions including compound tenses and as adjectives with the verb ‘ÊTRE’.
To form the past participle for regular verbs, you’ll need to add a new ending to those regular [-ER], [-IR], and [-RE] verbs.
[-ER] Verbs : [-É]
Parler -> Parlé
Cuisiner -> Cuisiné
[-IR] Verbs : [-I]
Bâtir -> Bâti
Finir -> Fini
[-RE] Verbs : [-U]
Attendre -> Attendu
Vendre -> Vendu
There are also verbs with irregular past participles. (This is not a complete list…)
avoir : eu
comprendre : compris
dire : dit
écrire : écrit
être : été
faire : fait
lire : lu
mourir : mort
mettre : mis
ouvrir : ouvert
pouvoir : pu
prendre : pris
voir : vu
Click here to see a longer list of Irregular Past Participles.
When a past participle is used as an adjective with the verb ÊTRE, its ending follows the same rules for agreement as other adjectives – that is, it must agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the noun it describes.
Compare these two sentences:
Le message est écrit.
The message is written. (“message” is singular and masculine.)
Les notes sont écrites.
The notes are written. (“notes” is plural and feminine.)
Robert est fâché.
Robert is angry (angered).
La porte est ouverte.
The door is open.
Elle est réveillée!
She’s awake!
Les devoirs sont faits.
The homework is done.
Les bicyclettes sont rompues.
The bicycles are broken.
La tâche est finie.
The task is finished.
Mes grand-parents sont décédés.
My grandparents are deceased.