French Grammar: The Present Indicative Tense and Future Events

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French Grammar: The Present Indicative Tense and Future Events
la grammaire française: le présent indicatif et le futur
The present indicative tense in French is used to talk about actions that take place in the present. However, it can also be used to talk about things that will happen in the near future.
The present indicative tense in French is used to talk about actions that take place in the present. However, it can also be used to talk about things that will happen in the near future. Very often, a time reference is used in order to help distinguish the time frame.
It’s important to remember that French tenses are not exclusively time-oriented.
L’avion part a huit heures.
The plane leaves (will leave) at eight o’clock.
J’arrive lundi.
I arrive (will arrive) on Monday.
Le cours commence demain.
The course begins (will begin) tomorrow.
À quelle heure est-ce que nous mangeons?
At what time will we eat?
Nous mangeons à 19:00.
We will eat at seven o’clock (p.m.).
Tu le fais quand?
When will you (familiar) do it?
Je le fais cet après-midi.
I will do it this afternoon.