Spanish Vocabulary: Basketball
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Basketball el vocabulario español: el básquetbol Basketball is an international olympic sport. Create connections and facilitate international friendships. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el/la aficionado(a) : fan Yo soy un aficionado del básquetbol. I’m a fan of basketball. el/la alero(a) : forward El alero es muy […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Baseball
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Baseball el vocabulario español: el béisbol Baseball is an international sport. Create connections and facilitate international friendships. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el árbitro : umpire No debes tocar el árbitro. You shouldn’t touch the umpire. la base : base El jugador corre a la base. […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Soccer
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Soccer el vocabulario español: el fútbol Soccer is an international sport. Create connections and facilitate friendships. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el aficionado : fan Yo soy un aficionado de fútbol. I’m a fan of soccer. el árbitro : referee El árbitro corre rápido. The referee […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Hobbies and Pastimes
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Hobbies and Pastimes el vocabulario español: los pasatiempos Hobbies and pastimes are common all over the world. Utilize these activities to discover new hobbies. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics LEAF Spanish Grammar: Verb Conjugation – Basics … Study acampar : to camp Nos gusta acampar en las montañas We […]

Folium: Which American Accent Do You Have? via Now this is a fun one, so I’ll keep this short! I get asked about accents and dialects a lot in class, and I’ll make my declaration to the world here… Yes! Spaniards, Mexicans, Chileans, Costa Ricans, all have very different Spanish accents. But that’s not all! Just like in the United States, people […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Navigation and Directions
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Navigation and Directions el vocabulario español: la navegación y las direcciones Navigation is a vital travel skill. Utilize the right terms to find the right location. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study allá : over there El edificio está allá. The building is over there. el alto : stop […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Fashion Accessories
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Fashion Accessories el vocabulario español: los accesorios de la moda Identify the right fashion accessories to wear in any situation. Often combined with clothing and materials. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study los accesorios : accessories Tengo muchos accesorios para llevar. I have a lot of accessories […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Fabrics and Materials
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Fabrics and Materials el vocabulario español: las telas y los materiales Identify material components to describe textile goods. Often utilized with clothing and fashion terms. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el algodón : cotton El algodón viene de África. The cotton comes from Africa. el barro […]

Folium: MOVE via
MOVE via Vimeo I don’t consider myself a “language” professor. While I can hold my own on the principles of Spanish and French linguistics, and I’m well versed in the cultural theories and histories of these people, all these things take a back seat to the actual experience of using languages to meet people. I […]

Folium: For Typing Characters and Symbols (I don’t have “ñ”!) This is genius in its simplicity. The website is and it is exactly what it advertises. If you don’t know how, or are too tired of looking up windows ALT codes to create special characters then this is the site for you! You are presented with a bubble-wrap-like interface […]
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