Folium: The Exploding Internet via NewScientist.com
The Exploding Internet via NewScientist.com In academic institutions, I sometimes have a difficult time convincing students (and other faculty) why languages are no longer an elective – but should be a requirement for all programs. Nothing upsets me more than a student who is born, raised, goes to school, and gets a job in the […]

Folium: The Inner Workings of Google Translate via Engadget.com
Google gives us some insight on the inner workings of Google Translate via Engadget You darn kids with your iPods and your Facebooks and the Twitters … All this technology doesn’t grow on trees y’know! Did you know that Google can translate stuff? And that they’re pretty darned good at it too! In fact, Google […]

Writing Resources: How to Write Thesis Statements
Writing Resources: How to Write Thesis Statements DEVELOPING A POINT OF VIEW (A THESIS STATEMENT…): After studying all of the assigned readings, find or develop one major argument that you can discuss in greater detail in your paper. An “argument” can be defined as a major point of view, or an interpretation of the film […]

Project Resources: Feature Film Suggestions (Spain/Iberian)
Project Resources: Feature Film Suggestions (Spain/Iberian) This is by no means a complete listing, nor a perfect one. However, it is a list of award-winning films that portray unique elements of Spanish (Iberian) culture. … Manolete – Menno Meyjes via Rotten Tomatoes via IMDB Los abrazos rotos – Pedro Almodóvar via Rotten Tomatoes via IMDB Abre […]
Hispanic Culture: Public Transportation
Hispanic Culture: Public Transportation The question of whether or not to bargain is one that many Americans ask themselves when faced with the prospect of having to buy something or employ the services of someone while traveling or living in a Spanish-speaking country. If you thought of bargaining conjures up the classic scene of the […]

Folium: Inspirational St. Patrick’s Day Quotes on Parenting via Strollerderby
Inspirational St. Patrick’s Day Quotes on Parenting via Strollerderby What? We can cover other languages and cultures besides Spanish and French! Because of fast-approaching St. Patrick’s Day I thought that we could take a few minutes to think about the Emerald Isle. Have you ever seen this place? It’s incredible! And while I’m not a […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Currency Exchange
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Currency Exchange el vocabulario español: el cambio de moneda Currency Exchange terms are used to convert currency systems. Conduct business and make purchases with correct money. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study Different countries and different government agencies use different kinds of money! Learning how to exchange […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Hispanic Countries and Nationalities
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Hispanic Countries and Nationalities el vocabulario español: los países y las nacionalidades hispanas Identify and specify different Spanish-Speaking countries. Know where Spanish is spoken and plan future travels! … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: The Verb [SER] with Nationalities … Study South America : La América del Sur o Sudamérica Name in English […]

Folium: 5 Insane Ways Words Can Control Your Mind via Cracked.com
5 Insane Ways Words Can Control Your Mind via Cracked.com There’s something that you realize after your first few linguistics classes. Your perception of the world is shaped by the words you use to describe it. We can only understand those things that we are able to express to others, in our own system of […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Travel – Basics
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Travel – Basics el vocabulario español: viajar – los básicos Travel and tourism terms are used in basic navigation. Gain the freedom to explore new places. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study la aduana : customs La aduana busca material extranjero. Customs looks for foreign material. el […]
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