Folium: How Are You Today? via Visual.ly
How Are You Today? via Visual.ly We write a lot on LEAF about how everyone around the world is more alike than we realize. Peoples is peoples! Today’s Infographic comes from Skype via Visual.ly (am I crazy for not being used to international web address endings yet?) When we meet new people, there is always […]

Folium: How to Plan for Long-term Travel via Fodor’s
How to Plan for Long-term Travel via Fodor’s “I just don’t have the time!” This, and financial concerns, are the two most common reasons why people don’t engage in travel. And to a certain extent, I can sympathize. Traveling can be very expensive, and time seems harder to come by as we get older. This […]
Hispanic Culture: Composition of Hispanic Names
Hispanic Culture: Composition of Hispanic Names Traditional Hispanic names consists of three parts: given name(s) + father’s surname + mother’s surname (or initial) The idea of having a “middle name” is more a part of the Anglo-American culture. In Spanish, there are names that appear to be made up of a first and a middle […]

Folium: International Dining Etiquette Rules via BudgetTravel.com
International Dining Etiquette Rules via BudgetTravel.com Food and culture are inseparable ideas. They are symbiotic concepts, you cannot embrace one without the other. Learning to love food is learning to love the people who grow, prepare, and consume the food. And for many people, food is the first baby step to learning about different cultures. In […]

Folium: Novalima On World Cafe via NPR
Novalima On NPR’s World Café This isn’t your abuela’s Peruvian flute band. Well known for drug store kiosks and shopping plazas across America, the peruvian flute band evokes scenes of rugged mountains, majestic condors, and lots of indigenous Peruvians in colorful wool hats. Novalima doesn’t project any of those images, and perhaps it is a […]

Folium: 10 Best Places to Live for Escaping World Conflict via Expatify.com
10 Best Places to Live for Escaping World Conflict via Expatify.com Travel scares some people. I won’t deny the fact, but I also know that knowledge conquers fear. One of the things that I find difficult to understand is the idea of staying in one place forever. I have met countless people who are born […]

Folium: The Get More Out of Google Infographic Summarizes Online Research Tricks for Students via Lifehacker.com
The Get More Out of Google Infographic Summarizes Online Research Tricks for Students via Lifehacker.com The people over at HackCollege put together a great infographic detailing the finer points of Googling. Normally, most academics shudder at the thought of students blindly Googling topics, but this guide teaches us how Google is a far more powerful […]
Les Virelangues – French Tongue-Twisters With /u/ Sounds!
Les Virelangues – French Tongue-Twisters With /u/ Sounds! Virelangues are French tongue-twisters! They’re a fun way to practice French pronunciation and speaking. Virelangues come from all across France and the Francophone World, and are often connected with the colloquial speech of their respective regions. Virer – To turn/twist … La langue – The tongue! Each Virelangue focuses on a different […]
Les Virelangues – French Tongue-Twisters With /s/ Sounds!
Les Virelangues – French Tongue-Twisters With /s/ Sounds! Virelangues are French tongue-twisters! They’re a fun way to practice French pronunciation and speaking. Virelangues come from all across France and the Francophone World, and are often connected with the colloquial speech of their respective regions. Virer – To turn/twist … La langue – The tongue! Each Virelangue focuses on a different […]
Les Virelangues – French Tongue-Twisters With /p/ Sounds!
Les Virelangues – French Tongue-Twisters With /p/ Sounds! Virelangues are French tongue-twisters! They’re a fun way to practice French pronunciation and speaking. Virelangues come from all across France and the Francophone World, and are often connected with the colloquial speech of their respective regions. Virer – To turn/twist … La langue – The tongue! Each Virelangue focuses on a different […]
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