French Grammar: Nouns – Basics
… Identify: French Grammar: Nouns – Basics la grammaire française: les substantifs – rudiments French nouns (les substantifs) are essential parts of building phrases in French. These key components let you name people, animals, places, concepts, and things! Study: French nouns (les substantifs) are essential parts of building phrases in French. These key components let […]
French Grammar: The Alphabet and Accent Marks
Identify: French Grammar: The Alphabet and Accent Marks la grammaire française: l’alphabet et les accents The alphabet is essential for spelling French words and names! You can use the alphabet when spelling vocabulary words, filling out documents, and clarifying the spelling of proper names! The French alphabet looks exactly the same as the English alphabet. However, […]
Folium: Humans ‘subconsciously mimic accents’ via The Telegraph
Folium: Humans ‘subconsciously mimic accents’ via The Telegraph Image via Wikimedia Commons My wife and I have a good deal of family down in the southern states (in an undisclosed location, but needless to say it’s definitely “south”). From time to time we’ll chat with the locals, shop at WalMart, and generally wander around. As […]
French Grammar: Telling Time – 12-Hour Clock
… Identify: French Grammar: Telling Time – 12-Hour Clock le grammaire français: dire l’heure – 12-heure Knowing how to tell time is important for meetings, schedules, meals, travel, classes, and many other social reasons! Study: Telling time (dire l’heure) is a basic skill that you can use to work with different people. Telling the correct time is […]
Folium: Breeze Your Way Through TSA Security via Gizmodo
Photo via AP Photo/Erik S. Lesser Folium: Breeze Your Way Through TSA Security via Gizmodo Hating on the TSA is an easy thing to do. The entire airport security process is known for being a slow, painstaking, and often degrading experience for all travelers. The TSA has incurred wrath from every angle imaginable, yet still […]
French Vocabulary: Days of the Week
Identify French Vocabulary: Days of the Week le vocabulaire français: les jours de la semaine Learning about the days of the week (les jours de la semaine) will help you plan for future events! Knowing the days of the week is also vital for business appointments, class times, and traveling in places like airports, train stations, bus […]
French Grammar: Personal Pronouns – [TU] and [VOUS]
… Identify: French Grammar: Personal Pronouns – [TU] and [VOUS] la grammaire française: les pronoms personnels – [tu] et [vous] Subject pronouns (also called “Personal Pronouns” – les pronoms personnels sujets) let us know who or what is involved when we use verbs! Subject pronouns are used in all aspects of conversation. They identify people and their actions! Both […]
Folium: Meows of the World via zkotami
Folium: Meows of the World via zkotami Click the image above to embiggen! Did you know that humans aren’t the only ones to speak foreign languages! In language, we assign sounds to different letters of an alphabet, and then arrange them in different patterns to form combinations called words. While we have a pretty good […]
French Vocabulary: Getting Started – Basic Expressions
Identify: French Vocabulary: Getting Started – Basic Expressions le vocabulaire français: avant de commencer – des expressions de base Common expressions to use in everyday situations. Learn basic expressions for communicating in French. Study: Oui : Yes Oui, s’il vous plaît. Yes, please. Non : No Non, merci. No, thank you. S’il vous plaît : Please […]
French Grammar: Ordinal Numbers
… Identify: French Grammar: Ordinal Numbers la grammaire française: les nombres ordinaux Organize and rank pieces of information. Common in business, travel, and sporting events. Study: Some of these numbers might look familiar. Many numbers are similar in English, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and even Greek! First, let’s review numbers 0 – 10 to see what […]