Spanish Reading Selections: Healthy Options (Las Opciones Saludables)
… A word about reading texts in their original language: This is freaking hard! Yup. Languages can be complicated! Can’t I just use Google translate on this stuff and read it in English? I guess you could… Then why should I read this? Because reading texts like this can accelerate your language learning. So, what […]
Spanish Reading Selections: For Good Health (Para la Buena Salud)
… A word about reading texts in their original language: This is freaking hard! Yup. Languages can be complicated! Can’t I just use Google translate on this stuff and read it in English? I guess you could… Then why should I read this? Because reading texts like this can accelerate your language learning. So, what […]
Spanish Reading Selections: My Plate (Mi Plato)
… A word about reading texts in their original language: This is freaking hard! Yup. Languages can be complicated! Can’t I just use Google translate on this stuff and read it in English? I guess you could… Then why should I read this? Because reading texts like this can accelerate your language learning. So, what […]

Folium: How to Save a Dying Language via Smithsonian
Folium: How to Save a Dying Language via Smithsonian I honestly had no idea that anyone still spoke Aramaic, and even more surprising that the few that do are living in Chicago! Aramaic, for those who are uninitiated in ancient middle-eastern languages, is believed to be the language of Christ. There are many examples and […]