Spanish Grammar: The Verb REÍR – Verb Conjugation Chart
Spanish Grammar: The Verb REÍR – Verb Conjugation Chart gramática española: el verbo reír – gráfico de conjugaciones REÍR = TO LAUGH The verb REÍR means to LAUGH. It’s used to express emotion! REÍR is an irregular verb REÍR is also known as a stem-changing verb (e-i) Indicative Mood: Present Preterite Imperfect Conditional Future yo río reí reía reiría […]
Spanish Grammar: The Verb COMENZAR – Verb Conjugation Chart
Spanish Grammar: The Verb COMENZAR – Verb Conjugation Chart gramática española: el verbo comenzar – gráfico de conjugaciones COMENZAR = TO START (BEGIN) The verb COMENZAR means to BEGIN or START something, like a project or process. COMENZAR is an irregular verb COMENZAR is also known as a stem-changing verb (e-ie) Indicative Mood: Present Preterite […]
Spanish Grammar: The Verb [SABER] – Verb Conjugation Chart
Spanish Grammar: The Verb [SABER] – Verb Conjugation Chart gramática española: el verbo [saber] – gráfico de conjugaciones [SABER] = TO KNOW SOMETHING The verb SABER means to either know information (facts, data) or know how to do something. It expresses knowledge. Indicative Mood: Present Preterite Imperfect Conditional Future yo sé supe sabía sabría […]