French Vocabulary: Kitchen Tools and Equipment
Identify: French Vocabulary: Kitchen Tools and Equipment le vocabulaire français: des outils et équipement de la cuisine Learning to talk about the home can help you communicate your living accommodations to others! This can help you get things fixed around the house, or can help you identify something that you need, or tell someone where you are! (La maison […]
French Vocabulary: Kitchen
Identify: French Vocabulary: Kitchen le vocabulaire français: la cuisine Learning to talk about the home can help you communicate your living accommodations to others! This can help you get things fixed around the house, or can help you identify something that you need, or tell someone where you are! (La maison – les toilettes et la salle […]

Aero: Meagan Hilsdorf – Costa Rica 2014 – My Expectations
Aero: Meagan Hilsdorf – Costa Rica 2014 – My Expectations When I think of Costa Rica I imagine beautiful tropical rainforests with exotic plants and animals, warm sandy beaches, coffee and hearing Spanish everywhere you turn and lots of friendly faces. This is why when I first heard of FLCC’s Spanish study abroad program it […]
French Vocabulary: Living Room
Identify: French Vocabulary: Living Room le vocabulaire français: la salle de séjour Learning to talk about the home can help you communicate your living accommodations to others! This can help you get things fixed around the house, or can help you identify something that you need, or tell someone where you are! (La maison – les toilettes […]
French Vocabulary: Dining Room
Identify: French Vocabulary: Dining Room le vocabulaire français: la salle à manger Learning to talk about the home can help you communicate your living accommodations to others! This can help you get things fixed around the house, or can help you identify something that you need, or tell someone where you are! (La maison – les toilettes et […]
French Vocabulary: Home Exterior
Identify: French Vocabulary: Home Exterior le vocabulaire français: l’extérieur de la maison Learning to talk about the home can help you communicate your living accommodations to others! This can help you get things fixed around the house, or can help you identify something that you need, or tell someone where you are! Study: Learning to talk about the […]
French Vocabulary: Bedroom
Identify: French Vocabulary: Bedroom le vocabulaire français: la chambre Learning to talk about the home can help you communicate your living accommodations to others! This can help you get things fixed around the house, or can help you identify something that you need, or tell someone where you are! (La maison – les toilettes et la salle […]

Aero: Ashley Hager – Costa Rica 2014 – My Expectations
Aero: Ashley Hager – Costa Rica 2014 – My Expectations When I think of Costa Rica, I think of sun, sand, and beaches. When I heard about the Costa Rica Study Abroad Program, the first thing on my mind was being somewhere other than New York in January when it is cold outside. It was […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Economics and Finance
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Economics and Finance el vocabulario español: la economía y las finanzas Identify personal and family finance terms. Discuss budgeting and expenditures. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el banquero : banker el banquero viene pronto. The banker is coming soon. el billete : bill ¡Sus billetes son plásticos! Your […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Politics and Government
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Politics and Government el vocabulario español: la política y el gobierno Organization of governments and their people. Discuss the concepts of public policy, government, and law. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study el alcalde : mayor (masc.) El alcalde es muy amable. The mayor is very friendly. […]
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