French Reading Selections: Proust – À la Recherche du Temps Perdu: Du côté de chez Swann
… Take the time to review the following LEAF French Grammar lessons before reading the literary selection for this Module, in order to help you better understand the selection: LEAF French Grammar: The Passé Simple (Historic Past Tense) – Regular Verbs LEAF French Grammar: The Passé Simple (Historic Past Tense) – Irregular Verbs LEAF French Grammar: The Past Anterior … Marcel Proust À la […]
French Grammar: Typing French Accent Marks
Identify: French Grammar: Typing French Accent Marks la grammaire française: taper les accents français Learn how to type French accent marks on your computer! Study: On a PC, the ALT codes are used to enter the characters as text in programs such as MS Word or Adobe Photoshop. To enter an ALT code from your […]
French Grammar: Adjectives – Basics
Identify: French Grammar: Adjectives – Basics la grammaire française: les adjectifs – rudiments Adjectives are essential for describing nouns and pronouns. These key components let you describe people, animals, places, concepts, and things! Study: First let’s take another look at nouns. In both English and in French, nouns have number; that is, a noun can […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Classroom Commands
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Classroom Commands el vocabulario español: los comandos aula Words and phrases most often used in the classroom. Respond accordingly to teachers and students. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Imperatives – Basics … Study ¡Abran su libro! Open your book! ¡Cierren su libro! Close your book! ¡Contesten, por favor! Answer, please! ¡Dénle vuelta […]
French Reading Selections: CDC Healthy Pets
French Reading Selections: CDC Healthy Pets … … Information: All images are captured from Please support the featured businesses, and visit their websites for more information! All images are for educational purposes only. The LEAF Project Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
Spanish Reading Selections: CDC – Healthy Pets
… Resources Reading Task Questions: CDC – Healthy Pets … … All images are captured from Please support the featured businesses, and visit their websites for more information! All images are for educational purposes only.
French Vocabulary: School and Office Supplies
… Identify: French Vocabulary: School and Office Supplies le vocabulaire français: les fournitures d’école et de bureau Schools and offices have specific nouns for tools and supplies. Utilize the correct names for classroom and workplace items, tools, and supplies. Study Don’t forget to pay attention to the number and gender of the nouns, including their […]

Folium: The Science of Learning a New Language via Lifehacker
The Science of Learning a New Language via Lifehacker It is a natural instinct for children to learn new languages, but as we get older, it becomes more difficult to learn and retain new languages. A child’s brain has much more plasticity, or the ability to create new neurons and synapses. By adulthood, this ability […]
Reading Strategies for Modern Languages
Reading Strategies for Modern Languages The readings selected during this semester were designed with two purposes in mind: (1) To provide information you are capable of understanding. (2) To give you confidence in reading in the language you are studying. Before reading, you should determine what your purpose for reading is, as this will […]
French Grammar: The Verb OUVRIR – Verb Conjugation Chart
… OUVRIR : TO OPEN Infinitive OUVRIR Conjugation IRREGULAR Present Participle OUVRANT Past Participle OUVERT … Simple Tenses, Indicative Mood: Présent Imparfait Passé Simple Futur je (j’)ouvre (j’)ouvrais (j’)ouvris (j’)ouvrirai tu ouvres ouvrais ouvris ouvriras il / elle / on ouvre ouvrait ouvrit ouvrira nous ouvrons ouvrions ouvrîmes ouvrirons vous ouvrez ouvriez ouvrîtes ouvrirez ils […]
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