French Grammar: The Verb DIRE – Verb Conjugation Chart
… DIRE : TO SAY / TELL Infinitive DIRE Conjugation IRREGULAR Present Participle DISANT Past Participle DIT … Simple Tenses, Indicative Mood: Présent Imparfait Passé Simple Futur je dis disais dis dirai tu dis disais dis diras il / elle / on dit disait dit dira nous disons disions dîmes dirons vous dites disiez dîtes […]
French Grammar: The Verb VENIR – Verb Conjugation Chart
… VENIR : TO COME Infinitive VENIR Conjugation IRREGULAR Present Participle VENANT Past Participle VENU … Simple Tenses, Indicative Mood: Présent Imparfait Passé Simple Futur je viens venais vins viendrai tu viens venais vins viendras il / elle / on vient venait vint viendra nous venons venions vîmnes viendrons vous venez veniez vîntes viendrez ils […]

Folium: Legitimate Voluntourism via NPR
Folium: Legitimate Voluntourism via NPR The Folium archives contain many articles on how you can volunteer and study abroad for little to no cost. But I must admit that this is the first article that actually discusses the impact of these new volunteer opportunities on the populations that they serve. Study abroad or travel experiences […]