French Grammar: The Recent Past with [VENIR DE] + Infinitive
… Identify: French Grammar: The Recent Past with [VENIR DE] + Infinitive la grammaire française: le passé récent avec [venir de] + l’infinitif VENIR is an irregular verb that normally means “to come”. However, VENIR is also a very handy verb when we want to talk about actions that have (or had) taken place in […]
French Grammar: Irregular Verbs – Basics
Identify: French Grammar: Irregular Verbs – Basics la grammaire française: verbes irreguliers – les essentiels Verbs are used to communicate actions. They DO things! If you plan on doing anything in French, you’ll need to learn how verbs work! When we conjugate all kinds of verbs, they are usually identified as regular or irregular verbs. […]
French Grammar: Common Irregular Verbs – Present Tense
… Identify: French Grammar: Common Irregular Verbs – Present Tense la grammaire française: verbes irréguliers courants – temps présent Verbs are used to communicate actions. Common verbs express day-to-day activities. Study: Infinitives and Conjugation: Infinitive verbs are verbs that are unchanged. They are in their most basic form, and can be adapted in many different […]
French Grammar: Present Tense – Regular [-RE] Verbs
… Identify: French Grammar: Present Tense – Regular [-RE] Verbs la grammaire française: les temps présent – les verbes réguliers en [-re] Verbs are used to communicate actions. They DO things! If you plan on doing anything in French, you’ll need to learn how verbs work! Study: Infinitives and Conjugation: Infinitive verbs are verbs that are […]
French Grammar: Present Tense – Regular [-IR] Verbs
… Identify: French Grammar: Present Tense – Regular [-IR] Verbs la grammaire française: le temps présent – les verbes réguliers en [-ir] Verbs are used to communicate actions. They DO things! If you plan on doing anything in French, you’ll need to learn how verbs work! Study: Infinitives and Conjugation: Infinitive verbs are verbs that […]
French Grammar: The Verb RECEVOIR – Verb Conjugation Chart
… RECEVOIR : TO RECEIVE; TO GET Infinitive RECEVOIR Conjugation IRREGULAR Present Participle RECEVANT Past Participle REÇU … Simple Tenses, Indicative Mood: Présent Imparfait Passé Simple Futur je reçois recevais reçus recevrai tu reçois recevais reçus recevras il / elle / on reçoit recevait reçut recevra nous recevons recevions reçûmes recevrons vous recevez receviez reçûtes […]
French Grammar: The Verb CROIRE – Verb Conjugation Chart
… CROIRE : TO BELIEVE Infinitive CROIRE Conjugation IRREGULAR Present Participle CROYANT Past Participle CRU … Simple Tenses, Indicative Mood: Présent Imparfait Passé Simple Futur je crois croyais crus croirai tu crois croyais crus croiras il / elle / on croit croyait crut croira nous croyons croyions crûmes croirons vous croyez croyiez crûtes croirez ils […]
French Grammar: The Verb CRAINDRE – Verb Conjugation Chart
… CRAINDRE : TO FEAR / TO BE AFRAID Infinitive CRAINDRE Conjugation IRREGULAR Present Participle CRAIGNANT Past Participle CRAINT … Simple Tenses, Indicative Mood: Présent Imparfait Passé Simple Futur je crains craignais craignis craindrai tu crains craignais craignis craindras il / elle / on craint craignait craignit craindra nous craignons craignions craignîmes craindrons vous craignez […]
French Grammar: The Verb DORMIR – Verb Conjugation Chart
… DORMIR : TO SLEEP Infinitive DORMIR Conjugation IRREGULAR Present Participle DORMANT Past Participle DORMI … Simple Tenses, Indicative Mood: Présent Imparfait Passé Simple Futur je dors dormais dormis dormirai tu dors dormais dormis dormiras il / elle / on dort dormait dormit dormira nous dormons dormions dormîmes dormirons vous dormez dormiez dormîtes dormirez ils […]
French Grammar: The Verb DEVOIR – Verb Conjugation Chart
… DEVOIR : TO HAVE TO / MUST / TO BE SUPPOSED TO / TO OWE Infinitive DEVOIR Conjugation IRREGULAR Present Participle DEVANT Past Participle DÛ (DUE) … Simple Tenses, Indicative Mood: Présent Imparfait Passé Simple Futur je dois devais dus devrai tu dois devais dus devras il / elle / on doit devait dut […]