Spanish Grammar: Adverbs – Basics

Spanish Grammar: Adverbs

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Spanish Grammar: Adverbs – Basics
la gramática española: los adverbios – los básicos

  • Adverbs modify or limit verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
  • There are many different kinds of adverbs, and can be used in various ways.


60-Second Spanish Grammar Lesson


Adverbs are words that modify or limit verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. There are many different kinds of adverbs, and can be used in various ways.

Adverbs can be divided into different categories, each with specific functions:

Adverbs that describe HOW things occur.

Adverbs that describe WHEN things occur.

Adverbs that describe WHERE things occur.

Adverbs in English usually end with the letters [-LY]. For example, words like slowly, quickly, rapidly, and others.

Other adverbs in English have no easy way to be identified. For example, words like better, worse, always, and never.

Spanish adverbs often end with the letters [-MENTE]. For example, words like rapidamente, obviamente, cuidadosamente, and others.

However, just like in English, Spanish has adverbs that do not end in -MENTE as well.

In order to form a Spanish adverb, take the feminine – singular form of an adjective and add -MENTE to the end.

lent0 (masc.)
lenta (fem.)

rápido (masc.)
rápida (fem.)

feliz (masc. / fem.)

Some adverbs don’t follow this pattern, and just need to be memorized as-is.

bien / mal
well / poorly

siempre / nunca
always / never

mucho / poco
many / little


¿Corres tú lentamente?
Do you run slowly?

Yo corro rapidamente.
I run rapidly.

Yo llevo el huevo cuidadosamente.
I carry the egg carefully.

¿Nunca habla español usted?
Do you never speak Spanish?

Yo siempre hablo español.
I always speak Spanish



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