Spanish Grammar: Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions

Spanish Grammar: The Subjunctive - Impersonal Expressions

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Spanish Grammar: Subjunctive with Impersonal Expressions
la gramática española: el subjuntivo con las expresiones impersonales

  • The subjunctive is a verb mood, not a tense in terms of time.
  • Utilized in impersonal statements.


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The subjunctive is used when we do not know if the action will take place. If we know that it is or will be a reality, the indicative is used. The subjunctive is used to express doubt, how a person feels about an action or state of being, a wish, intent or command. It can also be used to express facts that are the opposite of reality.

Impersonal Expressions with the subjunctive in Spanish are put together in a specific pattern where oftentimes doubt or volition are established.

es + adjective + que

Es posible que haya una reunión mañana.
It’s possible that there is a meeting tomorrow.

Es necesario que usted hable con ellos.
It’s necessary that you talk with them.

No es importante que el equipo gane el partido.
It’s not important that the team wins the game.

Es dudoso que él venga pronto.
It’s doubtful that he will arrive soon.

However … if the statement is clearly factual or has no doubt, the subjunctive is NOT used in the second clause.

Es cierto que nos vamos a casar.
It’s true that we’re getting married.

Es obvio que tenemos clase mañana.
It’s obvious that we have class tomorrow.


Es probable que vayamos a la ciudad hoy.
It’s probable that we are going to the city today.

No es cierto que mi hermana tenga un novio.
It’s not certain that my sister has a boyfriend.



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