Spanish Vocabulary: Numbers 100-1000+

Spanish Vocabulary: Numbers 100 - 1000

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Spanish Vocabulary: Numbers 100-1000+
el vocabulario español: los números 100-1000+

  • Express basic concepts of quantity.
  • Build upon the foundation of number patterns.



Here is a useful word to start off with:

cuánto(s) : how much / how many

¿Cuántos estudiantes hay?
How many students are there?

Some of these numbers might look familiar. Many numbers are similar in English, French, Italian, Latin, or even Greek!

To work with numbers over 100, all of the rules you have learned so far continue to apply. Note that there are no accent marks in the hundreds! All you need to do now is learn to count by 100s all the way to 1000, and that is quite easy:

cien : one hundred : 100

doscientos : two hundred : 200

trescientos : three hundred : 300

cuatrocientos : four hundred : 400

quinientos : five hundred : 500

seiscientos : six hundred : 600

setecientos : seven hundred : 700

ochocientos : eight hundred : 800

novecientos : nine hundred : 900

mil : one thousand : 1000

Here are some more examples of Spanish numbers from 100-1000!

ciento treinta y tres
one hundred and thirty-three : 133

doscientos cuarenta y cinco
two hundred and forty-five : 245

trescientos cincuenta y ocho
three hundred and fifty-eight : 358

cuatrocientos veintisiete
four hundred and twenty-seven : 427

quinientos sesenta y uno
five hundred and sixty-one : 561

seiscientos setenta y dos
six hundred and seventy-two : 672

Remember from the lesson on numbers 0-10 that the number one with an object reverts to the indefinite article with masc. or fem. gender (depending on the one thing you have!)

doscientos libros
two hundred books

doscientas plumas
two hundred pens

cuatrocientos señores
four hundred men

cuatrocientas señoras
four hundred women

When there is exactly 100 of something, and the number is used with the noun, you won’t use the term ciento. You’ll use a shortened form called cien.

cien dólares
one hundred dollars

cien gatas
one hundred cats

cien perros
one hundred dogs

cien pesetas
one hundred pesetas (money)

Finally, in Spanish a period is used to indicate thousands, and a comma is used as a decimal point. It’s the opposite markings that exist in the United States so don’t get confused when you purchase items!

English : 1,543.67

Spanish : 1.543,67


¿Cuánto cuesta una computadora nueva?
How much is a new computer?

Una computadora nueva cuesta novecientos dólares.
A new computer costs nine hundred dollars.

¿Cuántos libros hay en la biblioteca?
How many books are there in the library?

¡En la biblioteca hay mas que mil libros!
In the library there are more than a thousand books!

¿Cuántos estudiantes hay en la escuela?
How many students are there in the school?

Hay trescientos estudiantes en la escuela.
There are three hundred students in the school.

¿Cuántos días hay en el año?
How many days are there in a year?

Hay trescientos sesenta y cinco días en el año, mas o menos.
There are three hundred and sixty five days in the year, give or take.

¿Cuándo cayó Roma?
When did Rome fall?

Roma cayó en cuatrocientos setenta y seis CE.
Rome fell in four hundred seventy-six CE.

¿Cuándo invadieron Los Moros en España?
When did the Moors invade Spain?

Los Moros invadieron en setecientos once CE.
The Moors invaded in seven hundred eleven CE.


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