Aero: Amanda Vitale – France 2018 – Epilogue

Aero: Amanda Vitale – France 2018 – Epilogue

Amanda Vitale
I believe that I learned quite a lot about myself after participating in this amazing opportunity. I’ve noticed that a few of my behaviors have positively changed. I have recently started to recycle more. I currently live with my parents and 3 sisters and I’ve realized that we do not recycle as much as we probably should. I want to help out the environment more since I came back from France. In France, the environment is less harmed than it is in America. More laws and rules are in place to protect the environment. For example, when shopping at a grocery store, the French bring their own reusable bags instead of the small “one-time use” plastic bags that most American’s are used to. I believe this is a great idea in helping the environment and I may start using my own reusable bags when shopping this summer.
Another behavior that I’m beginning to pick up is eating healthier and more fresher foods. When I was living with my host family, I noticed that they ate fresher foods and more reasonable portion sizes than what I’m used to. They typically bought fresh food in the morning that we would eat for breakfast, lunch, or dinner that day. I am now thinking a little more about what I consume and the potion sizes of food. I saw that the French don’t snack much and they seem healthier for it. I have now, for the most part, stopped snacking throughout the day. I have also learned that I can leave my family for a long period of time and still be perfectly fine. I did not get homesick throughout this entire trip which I am very happy about.
Now I know that I can travel around the world more and for longer periods of time and still be relatively happy with where I am. I remember that I was very nervous before this trip. I was mostly just nervous of the unknown. I didn’t know who my host family was or even what they looked like until I finally met them. Everything worked out in the end and I learned that I don’t need to get so worked up or nervous about unknown situations. I also better understand that plans may change while traveling, especially with a group, and that everything will still work out fine.
I believe after this travel to France I have learned to control my anxiety a little more. Overall, I really enjoyed this trip and plan to travel back to France soon. I also want to explore more of Europe. I have less fear and anxiety of traveling now and I hope to travel whenever I get the chance to. France was absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait to journey back.
Amanda Vitale
Study Abroad – France 2018 @ FLCC
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