Aero: Amanda Vitale – France 2018 – My Expectations

France 2018 – My Expectations

Amanda Vitale
I’m not sure exactly what to expect since I have never travelled overseas. Honestly, I haven’t travel far at all. Therefore, this is all going to be a new experience for me. I’ve always enjoyed traveling, for the few times I’ve had the chance to, but it’s just hard to find the time now so I’m glad I could be a part of this outing. I’ve also never been on a plane so that aspect will be new and probably a surprising experience. I’m very excited to see what awaits within this trip. Going on this trip to France and signing up for the course felt like a last-minute decision but I’m very happy that I made this choice and I know it will be very much worth it.
I must say that I’m quite nervous for this voyage. I’ve never actually been away from home for this long and especially not this far away. This will definitely be a change for me but I also know it will be a great and unforgettable experience. This travel begins with a long plane ride. I’m very excited for this. Since I’ve never been on a plane I can relate to this with my love of long car rides. I believe it may be similar and I hope I will be next to or close to a window of the plane so I can gaze at the sky. I imagine that arriving in Paris will be breathtaking. I’m not use to nor have I truly experienced city life before but I believe it will be thrilling. I expect Paris to be elegant and beautiful. I know that Paris is a large tourist attraction so I also expect it to be quite crowded. I can’t wait to visit all the wonderful sights Paris has to offer. The art and history in Paris will be amazing to see with my own eyes and not just out of a magazine.
After Paris, I believe we will take a high-speed train to Brittany and separate into our host families there. I’ve never been on a train before so I hope this experience will also be new and exciting. Once we go with our host families I’m sure I will be a little nervous at first. I will mostly be nervous in hopes that they will like me and that we can understand each other well. But I also can’t wait to see how French families may live and to see their everyday culture. I want to see how French culture may be different than what I’m used to. I will hopefully see the differences through their school system as well. When I shadow the French student, I will listen well in the classrooms to try and make sense of what is being spoken. This way I can better understand how school may be for a student living in France.
I hope to create great memories during this trip to France. I also hope to open up more and come out of my shell. I tend to have a shy personality and I’m slowly trying to overcome this and I believe this expedition may help. I want to get something out of this trip. This something may be guidance for my future. It may also be knowledge and respect of other cultures. I believe I may want to befriend and stay in touch with the family that takes me in. I hope to share my experience with others and maybe continue to visit France in my far future. This traveling opportunity is likely to be the greatest I’ve ever had.
Amanda Vitale
Study Abroad – France 2018 @ FLCC
(Click here to browse the entire FLCC @ France 2018 Gallery!)