Aero: Autumn Clearwater-Day – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations

Aero: Autumn Clearwater-Day – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations
Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
Aero: Autumn Clearwater-Day – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations

Autumn Clearwater-Day
CR@FLCC 2015
While the trip is slowly approaching, I have been thinking about Costa Rica, in particular, the food, my host family, Spanish, and landscape. It is still unreal that soon I will be in another country thousands of miles from my hometown.
I know that I won’t have an issue with trying any new foods from Costa Rica but I wonder what types of food and tastes Costa Rica has to offer. Since, Costa Rica is warm, sunny and way down south I imagine tons of delicious fruit for every meal.
I have also been thinking about my host family. I am very nervous about living with a family that I don’t know. I expect that the family will be very welcoming upon my arrival and I keep thinking about their personalities. I hope to learn about the cultures and traditions in Costa Rica through my host family. I am hopeful for good experiences with my host family and creating a positive relationship.
I have been learning Spanish since about 8th grade. I had the opportunity of putting my Spanish skills into practice when I traveled to Tijuana, Mexico multiple times on a mission’s trip. I usually get nervous when having a conversation in Spanish, then forget all my Spanish phrases and words. I hope to have many experiences speaking in Spanish, so that I can build my Spanish vocabulary. I expect many conversations with my host family so that I am challenged to use my Spanish skills!
I am super excited to see the landscape in Costa Rica.The photos of Costa Rica are so beautiful and I imagine them to even more beautiful in person. I know everything will be different from my hometown. I know Costa Rica is going to have tropical rainforest and I have always wanted to see one. My hometown has many birch and pine trees and I assume that Costa Rica is not going to have those trees. I plan to see many trees that I have never seen before and they will be very different from trees in New York and Minnesota. I also expect to see many animals that I have only seen in pictures. I will be really happy if I get to see a sloth during my travels!
This trip is a huge step for me, I want to explore the world and Costa Rica is another opportunity to do so. I expect this trip will change my outlook on life and hopefully influence me to travel to more countries. I am not completely sure of what to expect on the trip but I know that it will be epic!
Autumn Clearwater-Day
LEAF Contributor