Aero: Katie Zawisa – Costa Rica 2014 – Family Life

Aero: Katie Zawisa – Costa Rica 2014 – Family Life
Aero: Katie Zawisa – Costa Rica 2014 – Family Life

Katie Zawisa
Have you ever meet people who were just so intoxicating, you couldn’t help but like them right away? Well that was my family. I lived in a house with Sharon Salas, her father and mother, “Mama-tita.” My host mother was Sharon but by the time the first week was over we agreed that I could be considered her sister and Mama-tita was my mother. Chriss, Mama-tita’s other daughter, and her family were over quite often and I really enjoyed their company. Her son Steven is my age and has the most intoxicating smile. Brenda is less than two years younger and we hit it off immediately. Rafa is Chriss’s husband and he reminded me so much of a family friend back in the states I couldn’t help but compare the two every time I saw him!
Sharon, Mama-tita, Brenda and Steve picked me up from the airport and I was very shy at first and had no idea what to say. When we got in the car they started asking me questions but I was so nervous I just got red in the face and kept apologizing even though I knew what they were staying. As the day progressed I grew more and more comfortable talking to them and within the next few days we were having complete conversations.
The meaning of family is so much more in Costa Rica. The nights the whole family was over for dinner was the best time to observe the family dynamic. While everyone was just watching dinner, the thing that most surprised me were they way that the grandchildren would just hold Mama-tita’s hand without thinking it was a big deal. Kids rarely ever do that in American unless they are younger than 10. While we traveled around the country I noticed that a lot in other families in public as well. The young weren’t embarrassed to show some affection towards their elders and it was really sweet. When it family was together, I loved just sitting with all of them and listening to their conversation. I can grasp most of what they are saying and the more I listened, the more I saw how strong of a family bond there was.
The Zapote Festival with the fighting of the bulls is huge for this family. I’ve come across bull fighting a few times at home on the TV but it was nothing like this. Watching so many people in that ring with the bull was actually quite exciting and watching my family get so into it made it even better! If there was someone that got hit good by a bull Mama-tita would bring it up all night and laugh her intoxicating laugh each time like it just happened for the first time all over again.
Learn More: Study abroad with Modern Languages @ FLCC: Costa Rica!
– Katie Zawisa
The LEAF Project
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