Aero: Kelly Bailey – Costa Rica 2016 – Biodiversity

Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
The climate of Costa Rica allows for tropical plants and animals to flourish. More than once I was told “this species is only found here in the region of Costa Rica!” The warm environment and volcanic soil creates a mixture that is not paralleled. Central America knows how important is is to preserve the exotic organisms that flourish in this region. Many of the parks we visited were labeled as national preserves.

Kelly Bailey
Specifically, the Zoo Ave was a rescue center for hurt or mistreated animals. Zoo’s as we know it are terrible according to Costa Ricans they do not believe animals should ever be taken out of their natural habitat. There are many laws against poaching and smuggling creatures out of the country. The Zoo Ave had some animals that were captured or sold as pets then later confiscated. The goal was to rehabilitate all the animals to be released back into the wild. Around Zoo Ave was many plants and animals that were hanging out with the animals in the center. Mainly we saw iguanas and bird perched on the enclosures. Most of the animals we saw at the Zoo Ave we got to see in the wild on our boat tours, hikes, and even walking around cities.
Three times we saw parrots just hanging out in trees next to restaurants or other buildings. On the Crocodile boat ride we were told about the vast variety of birds that dwell in Central America. Many of the bird I see back home in the Northeast were there along with so many more.
Once again the discussion of preservation arose because there was garbage on the banks of the Tárcoles River. The people are saddened when nature is not respected by humans. The Tárcoles River is home not only to 3,000 crocodiles, but to fresh and saltwater fish. The River flow into the ocean and the fresh and salt water combines creating another unique ecosystem. We learn about a similar occurrence in Nicaragua with the river that flows into Lake Nicaragua. They believe this is how the fresh water Bull shark evolved. Sadly, the sharks are not commonly seen anymore in the lake because the Nicaraguan government allowed the Japanese to over fish the shark for too long in the 1980s. Nature everywhere should be preserved and I wish more countries invested in saving the natural habitats as Costa Ricans do.
Kelly Bailey
LEAF Contributor
ML@FLCC: Costa Rica 2016