Aero: Marriah Gough – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations

Aero: Marriah Gough – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations
Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
Aero: Marriah Gough – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations

Marriah Gough
CR@FLCC 2015
Growing up in the country, with a town total population of less than 100, seeing the same thing just about every day can get a little old. That same little town during the winter can get brutal as well at times, so in the back of my mind, some place warm is where I wanted to be this winter. I have never stepped foot out of the country, barely out of the state of New York for that matter; I want to try something different for a change. Why Costa Rica though other than the thought of having the warm sun, beautiful landscaping, and different people? Talking a bit with some of my peers had really sparked my interest. The talk of the numerous experiences they were able to witness as well as the excitement and joy each was able to experience is was got me. The thought of trying something new, getting away and out of my comfort zone was something I knew then and there that I wanted to do this winter. It is an opportunity I knew I could not pass up.
As the days keep getting closer to departure day, I can’t help but be overpowered by excitement and anxiousness knowing that I am going to be exposed to and experience many new things that are far from familiar to me. I am also a bit nervous simply because this is my first time ever being away from home this long, other than being away at college. This time, it is a bit different simply because I will no longer be just two hours away, I am across the country, and will have limited connection with my family. Growing up in a close knit family, and doing everything together will certainly put my strength and willingness to try new things. That is what experience is about after all right? You never know until you try! I am okay with the not having as much connection concept while being away simply because my phone isn’t everything to me. I’d love to have a time span with limited to no technology and just see the world through a different perspective and witness things that I have never seen before and may never see again! This trip will certainly be a challenge with meeting new people, adjusting to a different language and lifestyle, but I am willing to do whatever it takes. I want something new in my life! This trip is going to offer me the experience of a lifetime and I couldn’t be more excited! With this trip I hope to step out of my comfort zone by interacting with new people, trying new things and foods, and be able to experience all that Costa Rica has to offer as well as learn more about the people and areas of Costa Rica!
Going into this trip, nerves are peaking due to the fact of limited ability in the Spanish speaking concept. I will admit, the last time I took Spanish was in tenth grade in high school, and the first two parts of the Spanish was given online, there were no actual interactions. With that being said, my language skills are going to be very limited and will certainly need assistance. However, as the trip progresses, I feel as if the classes are going to help get things going, as well as being able to interact and gain assistance and knowledge from my host family. The experiences with both my host family, and day to day travels and experiences will only make the trip better, and will provide me with tools I need to communicate throughout Costa Rica. Compared to the United States, I feel that Costa Rica is going to be a bit more laid back. It is certainly going to take some time getting used to being with another family, who speaks a different language as well as sleeping in a bed that is not mine. But, again, I won’t know until I try, and the experience is waiting!
What is it going to be like compared to home? It takes me ten minutes to get to local places such as Wal-Mart, gas stations, and some dine in restaurants. How about Costa Rica, is it just as accessible? Through multiple peer interactions, I have heard they are similar to here in the United States, and have places like Wal-Mart and some fast food restaurants. I am curious to see if any of their super markets are different, and possibly even the traveling situations and costs compared to the United States. One thing in particular that a peer had mentioned was that Costa Rica was big on coffee. I am a huge coffee drinker, along with most of my family. Here, I only drink one type of coffee. I cannot wait to take on some different flavors of coffee, made right from Costa Rica itself! My family has already informed me that they expect most of my souvenirs to be just that! I am very hesitant to try new foods on the other hand, not just in Costa Rica, but I do here in the U.S. as well. I am a picky eater and that makes me a bit nervous. However, a peer had also mentioned that they have wonderful fruit at Costa Roca so I am kind of excited to try some different fruit and compare it to what we have here! However, relating back to my statement of “you never know until you try”, I must try some new foods and break out of that shell of mine while on this trip! I am so excited for this experience and cannot wait to witness the volcano, soccer game, the rainforest and even getting to know other children and families! I can’t wait to overload my camera with pictures of anything and everything to bring back to my family and friends! I am ready to experience something new, and learn from a very hands on experience, just the way I like it!
Marriah Gough
LEAF Contributor