Aero: Tiffany Bean – Costa Rica 2015 – Epilogue

Aero: Tiffany Bean – Costa Rica 2015 – Epilogue
Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
Aero: Tiffany Bean – Costa Rica 2015 – Epilogue

Tiffany Bean
Before going to Costa Rica I was not sure what to expect. All I based my ideas on what I have seen on television. I never thought of what other people lives were like in other places of the world. My parents traveled while they were young, before they had me, so I knew the importance of traveling and seeing what the rest of the world was like, but it was not until I actually traveled I actually understood why it was so important.
Going to Costa Rica really opened my eyes to how much there is to the world. Being in Costa Rica Traveling thirty minutes and how things could be so different. It also showed me how great people can be. I was scared to go to a different country because I thought that I was going to be judged and made fun of by the Ticos, but I never felt that way once felt that way. I felt more than welcomed in Costa Rica and I saw the goodness of humanity. When I think about how every Costa Rican treated me and treated each other in makes me want to bring that in to my everyday life. Looking back every Tico that I met just wanted to have a good time with whatever they were doing.
One night it was Pablo’s and Aliaza’s birthday and they had the best time. We had a small party in a garage and we danced and even though I am not the best dancer they copied my movies and we all had an amazing time teaching each other how to dance and laughing with each other. This trip made me look at my life and see what I want to do with the rest of my future and how I want to travel back to Costa Rica and travel to other parts of the world. This trip made me feel proud of myself because I felt like an adult taking care of myself, traveling on my own, and doing things on my own.
My future plans have now changed because of going to Costa Rica. It has made me see how long my life is and how much I can do with that amount of time. I have changed the way I look at my daily life because I value myself more and other people around me more. I can wait to travel again even if it to some new place within New York. I plan on living my life as I would if I was traveling to a new place.
Tiffany Bean
LEAF Contributor