French Vocabulary: Household Cleaning Items
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Household Cleaning Items le vocabulaire français: les outils de nettoyage ménagers Common items used to maintain the cleanliness of a home. Use these terms, and others like them, to keep the home neat and clean. Study: People all over the world clean their homes! Learning to talk about housecleaning items in French […]
French Vocabulary: Musical Instruments
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Musical Instruments le vocabulaire français: les instruments de musique People all over the world listen to music! Learning to talk about musical instruments in French will allow you to discuss music with French speakers – and maybe even gain you the opportunity to jam with some of them! Study: l’accordéon (masc.) : accordion […]
French Vocabulary: Fast Food
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Fast Food le vocabulaire français: la restauration rapide / le fast food Terms and expressions used while ordering in fast food establishments. Discover familiar food around the world and how to eat it. Study: American-style fast food has become popular all over the world! Learning French vocabulary for fast food items will […]
French Vocabulary: Toiletries and Cosmetics
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Toiletries and Cosmetics le vocabulaire français: les articles de toilette et les produits de maquillage Essential to describing daily routine and personal hygiene Many people use the same basic types of health and beauty products. Study: In order to describe what you do to get ready for the day and ready […]
French Vocabulary: School and Office Equipment
… Identify: French Vocabulary: School and Office Equipment le vocabulaire français: le matériel d’école et de bureau School and office equipment are common objects in the work environment. Identify and utilize the right tools to get work done. Study: une affiche : poster Mettons l’affiche d’OSHA dans le bureau. Let’s put the OSHA poster in […]
French Vocabulary: Cooking-Related Measurements
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Cooking-Related Measurements le vocabulaire français: les mesures culinaires Quantities can be expressed using specific nouns or adverbs of quantity, and also by specific measures of weight or volume – especially when it comes to talking about food and drink. As with other adverbs of quantity, Cooking-Related Measurements indicate how much (or […]
French Vocabulary: Places in the City – Basics
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Places in the City – Basics le vocabulaire français: les endroits dans la ville – une introduction Essential to navigating around a city. Modern cities often have the same kinds of basic services and resources. Study: If you want to travel to French-speaking cities around the world, you’ll need to […]
French Vocabulary: Adolescent Activities
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Adolescent Activities le vocabulaire français: les activités d’adolescence Common activities that are associated with adolescence. Discuss personal experiences in the past, present, and future. Study: aller au cinéma : to go to the movies Les amis vont au cinéma demain soir. The friends are going to the movies tomorrow night. apprendre […]
French Vocabulary: Childhood Activities
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Childhood Activities le vocabulaire français: les activités d’enfance Common activities that are associated with childhood. Discuss personal experiences in the past, present, and future. Study: aller au cirque : to go to the circus La famille va au cirque ce week-end. The family is going to the circus this weekend. aller au […]
French Vocabulary: Measurements and Dimensions
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Measurements and Dimensions le vocabulaire français: les mesures et les dimensions Knowing how to describe sizes and distances in French can help you discuss how big or small and how near or far things are! Study: METRIC MEASUREMENTS (les mesures métriques): un centigramme : centigram Un gramme équivaut à cent centigrammes. […]