Folium: The Beauty of Learning Another Language via Thought Catalog
Folium: The Beauty of Learning Another Language via Thought Catalog The LEAF Project is fundamentally designed to supply the attentive language learner with interesting and applicable articles and educational resources. Above all else, LEAF is devoted to giving you reasons to continue diving into the depths of culture. I’m going to go out on a […]

Folium: Colours in Cultures via Visual.ly
Folium: Colours in Cultures via Visual.ly First of all, how could you deny any infographic that has the world “colour” in the title. It’s like a BBC documentary narrated by David Attenborough, it just sounds so perfectly classy. It would be a shame not to bring it up! This, of course, isn’t Folium’s forst foray […]

Folium: Timelapse Barcelona via Vimeo
Folium: Timelapse Barcelona via Vimeo I’ll admit it, there are lessons that I want people to learn from these Folium posts. In fact, the whole point of founding The LEAF Project is to educate and inform people about the benefits and advantages of learning about language, travel, and culture. However, I feel like some posts […]

Folium: The Neural Advantage of Speaking Two Languages via Scientific American
Folium: The Neural Advantage of Speaking Two Languages via Scientific American Folium often makes the case for multilingualism in regards to business, travel, or marketability. But this time we would like to dig a little deeper into the brain, and how knowing multiple languages fundamentally changes the way you think! The ability to speak a […]

Folium: Sourcemap – Visualizing Supply-Chains via BoingBoing
Folium: Sourcemap – Visualizing Supply-Chains via BoingBoing This is a global economy, visualized. And that scares some people… The words “global economy” have been deified and vilified, they’re a position and a platform, they’re the cause of and solution to all of the world’s problems. But all of these perspectives do not negate the fact that […]

Folium: The History of The English Language via YouTube
Folium: The History of The English Language via YouTube Here at LEAF, we tend to discuss the benefits of learning foreign languages from the perspective of the reasonably curious monolingual American. It’s the point of view that suits us best, but offers us little room to take a good long look at ourselves. So, what […]

Folium: Rick Steves – The Value of Travel via YouTube / TED
Folium: Rick Steves – The Value of Travel via YouTube / TED Ideally, Folium extols the virtues of language learning, cultural awareness, and the benefits of travel. However, when confronted by godfather of all that we hold dear, I easily concede my experience to a greater power. This is Rick Steves. He’s a rock star […]

Folium: Nielsen Finds U.S. Hispanics Tops In Mobile, Social Activity via TechCrunch
Folium: Nielsen Finds U.S. Hispanics Tops In Mobile, Social Activity via TechCrunch This article dovetails nicely with our previous observations on Hispanic smartphone usage, and reinforces the fact that savvy businesses investigate how different people engage with their products and services. In February, 16.7 million unique U.S. Hispanics visitors headed over to Facebook, which is […]

Folium: Make More Rational Decisions by Using a Foreign Language via Lifehacker
… Folium: Make More Rational Decisions by Using a Foreign Language via Lifehacker … In accordance with the great Wikipedia, “bias” is an inclination to present or hold a partial perspective at the expense of (possibly equally valid) alternatives. Anything biased generally is one-sided, and therefore lacks a neutral point of view. There is a […]

Folium: The True Size of Africa via Kai Krause
Folium: The True Size of Africa via Kai Krause “To put a city in a book, to put the world on one sheet of paper — maps are the most condensed humanized spaces of all…They make the landscape fit indoors, make us masters of sights we can’t see and spaces we can’t cover.” – Robert […]