Folium: LEAF News – 17 May 2012

Folium: LEAF News - 17 May 2012
So, you’re actually reading this huh? I’m sorry …
Here’s what new with LEAF!
On January 1st, 2012 we launched LEAF! We added a ton of little things like random Spanish vocabulary lessons, trabalenguas, and other things across the internet that we thought was pretty cool. I guess the original thought was to make a “digital toolbox” where I could put all of my online toys in one place and actually remember to use them!
Then it grew… I had to subdivide categories, activities, lessons, resources. I started a blog of random cool stuff across the internet that warranted writing down, but didn’t necessarily fit in any specific lesson. Fast forward to today, 17 May 2012, and now we have 300 pages of material!
On May 13th, after the end of the Spring Semester at FLCC, we decided that it was time to give LEAF a new look and a new interface. What used to be a blog, now is a full content management system. I feel that we’ve grown up into… something, and now it’s time to move that “something” forward!
This summer we’ve teamed up with new writers for new lessons, games, and a new blog feature on travel and study in Paris, France! (An American in Paris).
Keep checking back for more updates!