Folium: The Spanish Word For “Wife” … via

Folium: The Spanish Word For "Wife" ... via (Pic. via Wikimedia Commons)
Folium: The Spanish Word For “Wife” … via
Did the picture ruin the surprise? The Spanish word for wife is la esposa. The Spanish word for handcuffs is las esposas. So, your wife is technically your handcuffs. Insert jokes here…
However, I’m disappointed that the website doesn’t explain why the two words are so similar! How did this happen?
Well, in order to start our research we need to know the etymology of the words. The etymology of a word gives us the origin and root of the word and usage in cultures over time. The word esposa comes from the latin verb spondere which means to promise. The promise between husband and wife in marriage is the bond that ties them together, like the bond that ties hands together as handcuffs.

Celtic Handfasting
Even further, you can find that in some mariage traditions, the couple’s hands are tied together in intricate knots to symbolize the union between the two. This is most-often found in Celtic traditions where the hands are joined in contract! The tradition reaches back even further to Norse traditions where the shaking of hands was meant to bind and close contracts.
So, now you know! Never be happy with just knowing the fact when knowing the why can be so much more interesting! Make sure you always dig deeper!
Are there other word-plays in other languages that you can think of? Let us know in the comments below!