Folium: Timelapse Barcelona via Vimeo

Folium: Timelapse Barcelona via Vimeo
Folium: Timelapse Barcelona via Vimeo
I’ll admit it, there are lessons that I want people to learn from these Folium posts. In fact, the whole point of founding The LEAF Project is to educate and inform people about the benefits and advantages of learning about language, travel, and culture. However, I feel like some posts have been heavier than others recently, and that it’s time to take a step back and relax for a while.
This is Barcelona, via Timelapse video. We also have some other great Folium posts on Barcelona and Spain as a whole. But this is just pure 100% eye candy.
This isn’t to say that The United States, or any other country in the world doesn’t have beautiful scenes. It would be my dream to see images like this from every corner of the world! I’m just proving the point that this is out there, you need to go see it for yourself, and very little is actually stopping you from doing it! (There are of course other articles on that point!)
Here is the artist’s contact info, for good measure. He/She deserves it.
All the shots were taken in the city of Barcelona between may and june of 2011.
I used a Canon 400D+10-22mm+24-70mm+85mm 1.8+70-200mm
Email: mauricimayol@gmail.comMusic:
Sabbath by Mono
So, think about it. What strikes you about Barcelona? Anything stand out? Were you expecting something different, or unusual? Or perhaps it’s very similar to what you’re used to? Take some time to soak it all in!
TimeLapse Barcelona from Loyam on Vimeo.
The LEAF Project
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0