Folium: What COVID-Quarantine Reveals About the World’s Culture via BBCTravel
(Editor: Reminder, this is not a political article about COVID-19 policy or response. Rather, this is an informative piece on how different cultures emotionally process global life-changing events. Keep this in mind in your writing.)
When I was younger, my dad would ask me this question every so often: “How would you react in a sudden crisis situation?” I would ask him to clarify what he meant by crisis, and often it was a hypothetical situation where there was an accident or tragedy. He essentially wanted to see how I could handle an unexpected or potentially scary situation, and if I was going to lose my cool, or stay calm. My underdeveloped teenage character would have freaked out, no doubt, and as much as I reassured him that I would stay calm, I knew it wasn’t in me. We try our best, but crises will test us all, in various ways, and whatever grades our performances deserve, they are ours
BBC travel’s hypotheses: “It’s been said that a person’s true character is revealed in a crisis – and if the coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything so far, the same can be said for a country.” We flip the news on and are able to gage how well the citizens of the world are attempting to assimilate to this new normal. This is the time coping with the pandemic and defining their own distinct “quarantine culture” along the way.” character is shown throughout the world. According to BBS; “different cities and countries are coping with the pandemic and defining their own distinct “quarantine culture” along the way.”
(ed. The entire world… Think about it for a while…)
As the pandemic spreads around the world it is increasingly clear that culture matters when it comes to the coronavirus. BBC reports that “In Italy, self-isolating residents have been filmed belting opera from their balconies. In Belgium, the nation’s iconic friteries are still doling out French fries. And throughout Scandinavia, some people are still pedalling to work on bikes.” In more ways that one, the pandemic has had a way of laying out clearly what matters to nations around the world, revealing a lot about a country’s character. Cultures also vary in the extent to which they accept uncertainty.
(ed. Once again proof that people are generally awesome!)
I’ve recognized in myself whenever I’m anxious about what to expect, and there is uncertainty, I tend to grasp and hold on to anything familiar and comfortable. This is evident in countries around the world that have been attempting to keep their cool during this uncertain time, holding onto their cultural BBC reports that: “While the beret may have fallen out of fashion, the traditional French baguette never will – not even in a pandemic.” With the streets still filled with the smell of fresh baguette, no meal would be complete without the Frenchs’ exquisite wine. Some shops started delivering “survival packs” of six or 12 bottles to quarantined residents.
“The baguette is emblematic of French culture.” Anract explained the vital role boulangeries play in a French person’s life. “The first place you visit as a small child is the boulangerie to buy bread. While for the elderly, the only human contact during the day is often with the local boulanger (baker).” – BBCTravel

In France, Baguettes, Wine, and Cheese are deemed emergency essentials.
Seriously… Not kidding. Legally and everything.
If there is something to learn from this uncertain time, it’s that we need to give each other some slack. A raw crisis is always revealing. The transition from before to after changes how people think about things. It may be that as a community, we come out of this pandemic wiser and brighter. Or we may come out of it more cynical and bitter. Either way we are learning more and more about ourselves and those around the world. Nonetheless, we can expect a crisis to produce at least some sweeping change. The losses of this crisis, and those yet to come, cannot be diminished. Sticking to what we know best, and keeping our head down and pressing forward might just be the trick to getting through.
What part of your culture/traditions/beliefs do you hold on to throughout this uncertain time to keep your cool?
Julie Thatcher
LEAF Contributor