French Grammar: Infinitive of Reflexive Verbs


French Grammar: Infinitive of Reflexive Verbs
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French Grammar: Infinitive of Reflexive Verbs
la grammaire française: l’infinitif des verbes réfléchis

Reflexive Verbs are a special class of verbs in French. Be sure to review the lesson on Reflexive Verbs first before moving on to this lesson!

Whenever reflexive verbs are used in the infinitive with another verb (for example, aimer, aller, devoir, pouvoir, préférer, or vouloir), the reflexive pronoun will come right before the infinitive and will agree with the subject.


Reflexive Verbs are a special class of verbs in French. Be sure to review the lesson on Reflexive Verbs first before moving on to this lesson!

Whenever reflexive verbs are used in the infinitive with another verb such as aimer (to like), aller (to go), devoir (to have to/must/should), pouvoir (to be able to/can), préférer (to prefer), or vouloir (to want), the reflexive pronoun and its verb infinitive function as a single unit – that is, the reflexive pronoun will always come immediately before the infinitive. In addition, the reflexive pronoun used MUST agree with the subject to which it refers.

Est-ce qu’il aime se coucher tôt?
Does he like to go to bed early?

Tu vas te lever?
Are you (informal) going to get up?

Nous devons nous habiller vite.
We have to get dressed quickly.

Je peux me rappeler très bien mon enfance.
I can remember my childhood very well.

Elles veulent se promener après le dîner.
They (feminine) want to take a walk after dinner.

To make these kinds of phrases negative, put ne before the conjugated verb and pas after it.  In negative statements, the reflexive pronoun and its verb infinitive function as a single unit – that is, the reflexive pronoun will always come immediately before the infinitive.

Je ne vais pas me raser aujourd’hui.
I am not going to shave (myself) today.

Vous ne voulez pas vous maquiller?
You (formal) don’t want to put on make-up?


À quelle heure est-ce que vous allez vous réveiller demain?
At what time are you (formal) going to wake (yourself) up?

Je vais me réveiller à sept heures du matin.
I am going to wake (myself) up at seven in the morning.

Ils préfèrent se doucher le matin?
Do they prefer to shower (themselves) in the morning?

Non, ils préfèrent se doucher le soir.
No, they prefer to shower (themselves) at night.

Nous voulons nous amuser à la fête!
We want to have fun at the party!

Elles doivent se laver les cheveux ce soir.
They (feminine) should wash their hair tonight.

Tu peux te réveiller facilement?
Are you able to (informal) wake (yourself) up easily?

Non, je dois me réveiller avec un réveil.
No, I have to wake (myself) up with an alarm clock.
