French Grammar: The Past Subjunctive

French Grammar: The Past Subjunctive

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French Grammar: The Past Subjunctive

la grammaire française: le passé du subjonctif

The Past Subjunctive is used to discuss actions that have already happened, just like the Passé Composé is.


The Past Subjunctive is used to discuss actions that have already happened, just like the Passé Composé is. Specifically, the Past Subjunctive is used to convey that the action in the subordinate (“dependent”) clause occurred before the action in the main clause.

The Past Subjunctive is formed with the present subjunctive form of the auxiliary (“helper”) verb AVOIR or ÊTRE + the past participle of the main verb.

The same rules for past participle agreement in the Passé Composé also apply to the Past Subjunctive.

A. Here are examples of the Past Subjunctive with verbs that take the auxiliary (“helper”) verb AVOIR:

… que j’aie dansé
… que tu aies bâti
… qu’il / elle / on aie vendu
… que nous ayons dit
… que vous ayez été
… qu’ils / elles aient fait

B. Here are examples of the Past Subjunctive with verbs that take the auxiliary (“helper”) verb ÊTRE:

… que je sois tombé(e)
… que tu sois venu(e)
… qu’il soit parti
… qu’elle soit arrivée
… qu’on soit retourné

… que nous soyons allé(e)s
… que vous soyez sorti(e)(s)
… qu’ils se soient lavés
… qu’elles se soient appelées


Nous sommes désolés que tu ne sois pas venu avec nous.
We are sorry that you (informal) did not come with us.

Je suis contente qu’il m’ait rendu visite.
I am happy that he visited me.

Le professeur ne pense pas que les étudiants aient lu le chapitre.
The professor does not think that the students read the chapter.

Il semble que vous n’ayez pas encore fini les tâches ménagères.

It seems that you all have not yet finished the chores.

Il est possible que la banque ait fermé.

It is possible that the bank has closed.

Je doute qu’elle soit déjà partie.
I doubt that she has left yet.

Vous pensez qu’elles aient compris?

Do you all think that they (feminine) understood?

Elle a honte que ses enfants se soient mal comportés en public. 

She is ashamed that her children misbehaved in public.
