French Grammar: The Subjunctive with Indefinite Clauses

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French Grammar: The Subjunctive with Indefinite Clauses
la grammaire française: le subjonctif avec les propositions indéfinies
The subjunctive is used when we are uncertain whether or not an action will take place. If we know that the action is or will be a reality, the indicative is used. The subjunctive is used to express doubt, how a person feels about an action or state of being, a wish, intent or command. It can also be used to express facts that are the opposite of reality.
The French subjunctive is also used with certain Indefinite Clauses, most of which are equivalent to English words that end in “-ever”.
The subjunctive is used when “however” is used to mean “in whatever way”.
aussi + adjective/adverb + que + subjunctive of verb … : however… / in whatever way …
de quelque façon que … : however … / in whatever way …
de quelque manière que … : however … / in whatever way …
pour + adjective + que + subjunctive of verb … : however … / in whatever way …
quelle que soit la manière dont … : however … / in whatever way …
quelque + noun + que + subjunctive of verb … : whatever … / however much/many …
si + adjective + que + subjunctive of verb … : however … / in whatever way …
tout(e) + adjective + que + subjunctive of verb … : however … / in whatever way …
NOTE: When “however” is used to mean “even though” or “nevertheless”, it takes the indicative. Cependant, néanmoins, quand même, and toutefois are some of the adverbs used to express this sense of “however”.
quel(le)(s) que + subjunctive of être + noun … : whatever … (used as an adjective & refers to a noun)
quoi que + subjunctive of verb … : whatever … (used as a pronoun)
quoi que ce soit … : whatever / no matter what / anything / be that as it may
où que … : wherever … / no matter where …
qui que … : whoever … / whatever person …
With “WHETHER … OR …”:
When two verbs are juxtaposed using “whether … or …”, both verbs must take the subjunctive, preceded by “QUE”.
When “whenever” is used to mean “each time that”, it takes the indicative. À chaque fois que, dès que, and toutes les fois que are some of the expressions used for this sense of “whenever”.
When “whenever” is used to mean “at whatever time”, it also takes the indicative. Quand, n’importe quand, and à tout moment all express this sense of “whenever”.
Quelle que soit la manière dont tu le voies, c’est toujours injuste.
No matter how you look at it, it is still unfair.
Pour faible qu’il paraisse, il est en fait plutôt fort.
As weak as he seems, he is actually quite strong.
Quelle que soit l’heure, n’hésitez pas à me téléphoner.
Whatever the time, don’t hesitate to call me.
Il leur donne quoi qu’ils veuillent.
He gives them whatever they (masculine) want.
Si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, fais-le-nous savoir.
If you (informal) need anything, let us know.
J’ai toujours mon mobile avec moi, où que j’aille.
I always have my cellphone with me, wherever I go.
Vous devez vous adresser à qui que soit responsable.
You (formal) must speak to whoever is in charge.
Qu’il fasse beau ou qu’il pleuve, je fais du jogging.
Whether the weather is nice or it rains, I go jogging.
Que cela te plaise ou non, tu dois le faire.
Whether you (informal) like it or not, you have to do it.
- YouTube / Learn French with Pascal: subjunctive in French – Part 2
- The Subjunctivisor