French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] with Other Expressions
![French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] with Other Expressions French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] with Other Expressions](
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French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] with Other Expressions
la grammaire française: le verbe [avoir] avec d’autres expressions
The verb AVOIR means to HAVE. It shows possession!
You’ll also use the verb AVOIR when you need to tell people when you are hungry, thirsty, scared, or other feelings!
The verb AVOIR means to HAVE. It shows possession!
You’ll also use the verb AVOIR when you need to tell people when you are hungry, thirsty, scared, or other feelings!
French Grammar: The Verb AVOIR – Verb Conjugation Chart
J’ai un livre de français.
I have a French book.
Nous avons bientôt un cours d’anglais.
We have an English class soon.
Tu as les devoirs pour aujourd’hui?
Do you (familiar) have the homework for today?
There are also a number of other expressions – mostly dealing with emotional and physical states – that use AVOIR, like hunger, thirst, hot, cold, fear, and sleepiness!
J’ai faim.
I have hunger.
(I am hungry.)
Elles ont soif.
They (fem.) have thirst.
(They – fem. – are thirsty.)
Tu as chaud?
Do you (familiar) have warmth?
(Are you warm?)
Nous n’avons pas froid.
We do not have cold.
(We are not cold.)
Vous avez beaucoup de chance!
You all have much luck!
(You all are lucky!)
L’enfant a beaucoup de sommeil.
The child has much sleepiness.
(The child is very sleepy.)
Note that AVOIR is an irregular verb. Check out the lessons on irregular verbs for more details.
Here is a more comprehensive list of other expressions that use AVOIR:
avoir l’air (+ adjective) : to look (+ adjective)
Ils ont l’air fatigué.
They have a tired air.
(They look tired.)
avoir (#) ans : to be (#) years old
Mon grand-père a 86 ans.
My grandfather has 86 years.
(My grandfather is 86 years old.)
avoir beau (+ infinitive) : to do in vain; there’s no point in (doing)
Vous avez beau lui parler.
There’s no point in talking to him.
avoir besoin de (+ noun) : to need (something)
J’ai besoin d’une voiture neuve.
I have need of a new car.
(I need a new car.)
avoir besoin de (+ infinitive) : to need (to do something)
J’ai besoin de faire mes devoirs.
I have need to do my homework.
(I need to do my homework.)
avoir le cafard : to be depressed; to have the blues (colloquial)
Il a souvent le cafard.
He has often the cockroach.
(He is often depressed.)
avoir de la chance : to be lucky
Tu as de la chance!
You (familiar) have the luck!
(You – familiar – are lucky!)
avoir chaud : to be / feel hot (describes people)
Nous avons beaucoup chaud en été.
We have a lot of heat in the summer.
(We are very hot in the summer.)
avoir envie de (+ infinitive) : to feel like (doing)
Elles ont envie de faire la sieste.
They (feminine) have envy of taking a nap.
(They – feminine – feel like taking a nap.)
avoir faim : to be hungry
Tu as faim?
Do you (familiar) have hunger?
(Are you – familiar – hungry?)
avoir froid : to be cold
J’ai beaucoup froid!
I have a lot of cold!
(I’m very cold!)
avoir l‘habitude de (+ infinitive) : to be used to (doing)
Nous avons l’habitude de faire la queue au cinéma.
We have the habit of waiting in line at the movies.
(We are used to waiting in line at the movies.)
avoir hâte de (+ infinitive) : to be in a hurry (to do)
Elle a hâte de sortir à 17h00.
She has haste to leave at 5:00pm.
(She is in a hurry to leave at 5:00pm.)
avoir honte (de quelque chose) : to be ashamed (of something)
J’ai honte du comportement de mon fils.
I have shame of the behavior of my son.
(I’m ashamed of my son’s behavior.)
avoir lieu : to take place
La fête a lieu chez Robert.
The party has place at the home of Robert.
(The party is taking place at Robert’s house.)
avoir la parole : to have the floor (to speak)
Silence, s’il vous plaît! Le Président a la parole maintenant!
Quiet, please! The President has the word now!
(Quiet, please! The President has the floor / is speaking now!)
avoir peur de : to be afraid of
Vous avez peur de grands chiens.
You (formal) have fear of big dogs.
(You – formal – are afraid of big dogs.)
avoir raison : to be right (used with people)
Ma mère a toujours raison.
My mother has always reason.
(My mother is always right.)
avoir soif : to be thirsty
Nous avons soif.
We have thirst.
(We are thirsty.)
avoir tort : to be wrong (used with people)
Tu dis que 2 + 2 = 5? Tu as tort.
You (familiar) say that 2 + 2 = 5? You have wrong.
(You – familiar – say that 2 + 2 = 5? You – familiar – are wrong.)
See – French Grammar: The Verb AVOIR – Verb Conjugation Chart
Vous avez faim?
Are you (formal) hungry?
Non, je n’ai pas beaucoup faim.
No, I am not very hungry.
Tu as soif? Tu veux de l’eau?
Are you (familiar) thirsty? Do you (familiar) want water?
Oui, merci, j’ai soif!
Yes, I am thirsty, thanks!
Vous avez chaud?
Are you all hot?
Oui, il y a beaucoup de soleil et j’ai chaud.
Yes, it’s very sunny, and I’m hot.
Tu as froid?
Are you (familiar) cold?
Non, je n’ai pas froid.
No, I am not cold.
Vous avez de la chance aux jeux vidéos?
Are you (formal) lucky at video games?
Oui, j’ai beaucoup de chance aux jeux vidéos.
Yes, I’m very lucky at videogames.
Le bébé, a-t-il sommeil?
Is the baby tired?
Oui, le bébé a beaucoup de sommeil.
Yes, the baby is very tired.
- Quizlet: [AVOIR] with Other Expressions via Kruger
- Kahoot: [AVOIR] with Other Expressions via Kruger