French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Weather Expressions
![French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Weather Expressions French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Weather Expressions](
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French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Weather Expressions
la grammaire française: le verbe [faire] avec les expressions du temps
The verb FAIRE means to do or to make. (I do, you do, he/she does, etc.… / I make, you make, he/she makes, etc…) The verb FAIRE is also used in a variety of vocabulary expressions, like talking about certain weather conditions.
The verb FAIRE means to do or to make. (I do, you do, he/she does, etc.… / I make, you make, he/she makes, etc…) The verb FAIRE is also used in a variety of vocabulary expressions, like talking about certain weather conditions.
The weather expressions that use FAIRE are called idiomatic expressions. An idiomatic expression is an expression that means something different from the literal meaning of each of its individual words. That is, if translated literally word for word, an idiomatic expression wouldn’t make sense.
FAIRE is an irregular verb.
FAIRE : to do / to make
Je FAIS mes devoirs.
I do my homework.
Nous FAISONS un gâteau.
We make a cake.
A form of FAIRE can also be used for certain weather expressions. But remember, these are very specific sayings; not all weather expressions use the verb FAIRE. Also, the verb form of FAIRE in weather expressions will always be IL FAIT, so you don’t need to worry about other verb conjugations!
Quel temps FAIT-IL?
What’s the weather like?
IL FAIT beau aujourd’hui.
It’s nice (weather) today.
IL FAIT bon au Tahiti.
The weather is fine in Tahiti.
(NOTE: This particular expression is often used to refer to the temperature.)
IL FAIT mauvais ici.
The weather is bad here.
IL FAIT froid dehors.
It’s cold outside.
IL FAIT chaud en Martinique.
It’s warm/hot in Martinique.
IL FAIT frais en automne.
It’s chilly in the fall.
IL FAIT soleil en été.
It’s sunny in the summer.
IL FAIT gris en hiver.
The weather is overcast in winter.
IL FAIT venteux aujourd’hui.
It’s windy today.
IL FAIT humide dans la jungle.
It’s humid in the jungle.
IL FAIT nuageux à Londres.
It’s cloudy in London.
IL FAIT orageux.
It’s stormy.
Quel temps fait-il?
What is the weather like (what does it make)?
Il fait frais aujourd’hui.
It is chilly (fresh) today.
Il fait très chaud en Corse?
Is it very hot in Corsica?
Oui, quelquefois il fait chaud en Corse.
Yes, sometimes it’s hot in Corsica.
Il fait froid aux montagnes?
Is it cold in the mountains?
Oui, aujourd’hui il fait très froid aux montagnes.
Yes, today it is very cold in the mountains.
- Quizlet: The Verb [FAIRE] with Weather Expressions via Kruger
- Kahoot: The Verb [FAIRE] with Weather Expressions via Kruger