French Vocabulary: The Four Seasons

French Vocabulary: The Four Seasons
Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project
French Vocabulary: The Four Seasons
le vocabulaire français: les quatre saisons
Learning about the four seasons (les quatre saisons) will help you plan for weather, clothing, and future events! Learning about the four seasons will also help you plan for business appointments, taking classes, and holidays with celebrations!
Learning about the four seasons (les quatre saisons) will help you plan for weather, clothing, and future events! Learning about the four seasons will also help you plan for business appointments, taking classes, and holidays with celebrations!
(Learning about the Months of the Year goes well with learning the Four Seasons!)
la saison : the season
Il y a quatre saisons de l’année.
There are four seasons in the year.
le printemps : Spring
Le printemps dure de mars à juin.
Spring lasts from March to June.
l’été (masculine) : Summer
L’été dure de juin à septembre.
Summer lasts from June to September.
l’automne (masculine) : Autumn
L’automne dure de septembre à décembre.
Autumn lasts from September to December.
l’hiver (masculine) : Winter
L’hiver dure de décembre à mars.
Winter lasts from December to March.
NOTE: While the French word for ‘season’ (la saison) itself is feminine, the French words for the four seasons are all masculine.
Quelle est la saison?
What is the season?
C’est le printemps.
It is Spring.
NOTE: The articles (le / l’) are normally used with each of the four seasons in French.
Au nord de l’équateur, le printemps commence en mars.
North of the equator, Spring begins in March.
Au sud de l‘équateur, l’automne commence en mars.
South of the equator, Autumn begins in March.
NOTE: To say that something takes place in a given season, use au with printemps, but en with the other three seasons.
au printemps : in (the) Spring
en été : in (the) Summer
en automne : in (the) Autumn
en hiver : in (the) Winter
Quelle est la saison maintenant?
What season is it now?
Maintenant, c’est l’été.
Now, it is Summer.
Quelle est la prochaine saison?
What is the next season?
La prochaine saison, c’est l’automne.
The next season is Autumn.
En quelle saison est janvier?
In which season is January?
Janvier est en hiver.
January is in the Winter.
Tu aimes le printemps?
Do you (familiar) like Spring?
Oui, j’aime beaucoup le printemps!
Yes, I like Spring a lot!
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