All Synthesis Task directions and details are contained within each Learning Module in Blackboard. Please copy directions and requirements for each task and implement them in a matter that best fits your classroom delivery style.
The Synthesis Project is divided into six tasks, one per Learning Module. This gives students time to focus on each step of the research process as they assemble a large-scale project. The justification for this is that students need experience in taking a large-scale task and breaking it down into manageable parts, to be completed over time.
Synthesis Task #1 : Gemini students do not have traditional access to FLCC resources (library databases, etc.). However, Gemini instructors are strongly encouraged to modify the questions in Task #1 to reflect the resources and staff available at their own school. This step should familiarize students with the resources at their disposal, and dispel the fear of asking for help from academic support services.
Synthesis Task #2: Students are strongly encouraged to research topics that resonate with them at a personal or professional level. Students should consider current interests, career paths, family connections, etc. while choosing their Synthesis research topic. We accept a wide variety of research topics from all majors and programs at FLCC, and encourage students to expand their possibilities outside of “traditional” cultural research topics.
Synthesis Task #3: MLA citation is a required part of the task, and taking the time to teach students proper research methodologies and documentation is considered part of the experience. Trips to the library, meeting with resource librarians, and/or discussions about fiable resources are all strongly encouraged. We accept academic and non-academic (peer-reviewed) sources. Students should not be confined to academic peer-reviewed journal articles, but are free to use books, periodicals, audio/visual media, and web sources (with an emphasis on viable internet resources).
Synthesis Task #4: Take the time to discuss with your students how source annotation aids the project creation process, and makes future work easier by outlining key data points. We provide multiple links to resources and examples detailing MLA-formatted annotated bibliography creation.
Synthesis Task #5: Emphasize to the students that this task does not involve a traditional paper. We do not require introduction and conclusion paragraphs. Paragraphs do not need transitions or flow. This task is a simple exercise in data extraction. We describe it as forming the building blocks in which to create a final creative project. Paragraphs should be substantive and distinct from each other in content. MLA-formatted in-text citation is required for each paragraph. Feel free to take the time to discuss proper implementation with your students.
Synthesis Task #6: Students are encouraged to synthesize a creative work for their final project. We do not define what the nature of the project should be, since students should determine how their project should best reflect their research topic. However, we do prohibit the following – essays/research papers, powerpoint presentations (and derivatives like Keynote, Google Slides; also, we’re not too fond of Prezi). Students often “freak out” when told that the design/format of the final project/artifact is up to them. Some students thrive with free-form creativity, others are far too used to being told what to do. Encourage your students to “think outside the box” in this step. Please refer to the links and resources for ideas and examples.
Synthesis Project @ FLCC – Objectives/Targets
Module 1: Resources
– Verify your understanding of the Synthesis Project creation process.
– Increase working knowledge of the FLCC Library and the FLCC Writing Center.
Module 2: Topic
– Reflect on a topic related to the culture of the target language that is of interest to you
– Submit a research topic, related to the culture of the target language, for a creative project.
Module 3: Research
– Identify at least five credible sources that support your research topic from Module 2.
– Assemble an MLA-formatted bibliography from the sources that you have identified.
Module 4: Annotation
– Create an MLA-formatted annotated bibliography.
– Evaluate your research and begin data extraction.
Module 5: Extraction
– Extract information from your research to use in your final project.
– Organize information and create building blocks for a final project.
Module 6: Creation
– Design and implement a final creative project based upon your research and findings.