Gemini – World Language Course Philosophy
Posted by LEAF Architect on Monday, October 1, 2018 · Leave a Comment

Gemini – World Language Course Philosophy
Gemini – Course Philosophy
- All World Language courses at FLCC are designed for Liberal Arts / General Studies majors with the intent to broaden students’ knowledge of language, culture, and travel as these apply to their interests and career path.
- The majority of World Language students at FLCC have been exempted from language study in high school, or performed poorly in high school or college language courses. There is no such exemption at FLCC. Classes are designed to impress upon students that language study is accessible at any time in life and for any career path. Language study is for everyone.
- Students should be encouraged, motivated, and empowered to discover how language, culture, and travel can positively affect their lives, regardless of linguistic ability. Poor grammatical performance should not overshadow a student’s desire to learn.
- World Language courses emphasize practical use of skills. Course and Module objectives are designed to be immediately applicable in real-world situations, and students should be encouraged to question how and when language lessons can be used outside of the classroom.
Gemini – Course Delivery and Pedagogy
- All World Language courses at FLCC are offered live in campus centers and online through the Open SUNY network. Course content and deployment methods for live courses and online courses are identical. All sections of the same course code (SPN101-01 and SPN101-U1, etc.) are structurally identical. Course structure, deployment, and materials do not change with modality, location, or instructor.
- Since the course structure, deployment, and materials are all standardized, faculty members are encouraged to explore pedagogical techniques related to content delivery, interaction, and reinforcement. Lessons, lectures, discussions, activities, games, media, presentations, and other related tools may be deployed in a manner that best fits the faculty member and class. As long as Course and Learning Module objectives are clearly addressed, faculty members may schedule their contact time as they see fit.
- Students are expected to study content and complete tasks outside of class and to develop speaking skills together using a variety of activities during class time. However, due to varying contact times among school districts, Gemini faculty are encouraged to utilize class time as they see fit.
- World Languages @ FLCC does not endorse any singular pedagogical methodology. Faculty members are encouraged to develop their own teaching style while utilizing the structure, objectives, and materials provided.
(rev. 29 OCTOBER 2018)