Spanish Grammar: Relative Pronouns – [QUE]

Spanish Grammar: Relative Pronouns - [QUE]

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Spanish Grammar: Relative Pronouns – [QUE]
la gramática española: los pronombres relativos – [que]

  • Refers to a noun previously mentioned.
  • They relate to nouns in statements/conversations.


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Relative Pronouns help refer to a noun previously mentioned. These usually require working with more than one sentence!

La comida que yo comí.
The food that I ate.

La tarea que hiciste tú.
The homework that you did.

Relative Pronouns also help to frame or introduce a clause that modifies a noun.

La película que miré anoche es muy buena.
The movie that I watched last night was very good.

The Relative Pronoun QUE often means the word “that…” in English,
BUT it can also be used in place of other pronouns like “who, whom, which, and that”.

El hombre que es rico y inteligente.
The man who is smart and intelligent.

Los libros que son pesados.
The books which are heavy.

El libro que leíste.
The book that you read.

English tends to omit relative pronouns while Spanish does not!


El niño que estaba aquí.
The child that was here.El joven que cantaba tan lindo.
The youth (young person) that sang so nicely.

Los libros que son lo más baratos.
The books that are the cheapest.


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