Spanish Grammar: Superlatives

Spanish Grammar: Superlatives

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Spanish Grammar: Superlatives
la gramática española: los superlativos

  • Special grammar constructions with adjectives.
  • Utilized when an object is one is above or below all others.


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Superlatives (los superlativos) are used when we single something out as the most or the least. Superlatives are similar to comparatives in Spanish. Superlatives are important to understand in conversations and in reading Spanish.

To single out something as the most or the least, use the following formula, remember that the adjective needs to agree with the noun it is describing:

el/la/los/las + noun + más/menos + adjective

Thor es el superhéroe más fuerte.
Thor is the strongest superhero.

There are a few irregular superlative forms. These forms are similar to the comparatives with the definite article added. They agree in number with the first noun.

viejo (age of a person) -> el/la/los/las mayor(e)(s) : oldest

joven -> el/la/los/las menor(e)(s) : youngest

bueno/bien -> el/la/los/las mejor(e)(s) : best

malo/mal -> el/la/los/las  peor(e)(s) : worst

¿Qué actor crees que es el peor?
What actor do you believe is the worst?

When you are using superlatives, always use DE to mean in or of.

Ésta es la montaña rusa más rápida del mundo.
This is the fastest roller coaster in the world.


Mi esposo es el mejor cantante del mundo.
My husband is the best singer in the world.

San Juan es la cuidad más bella del Caribe.
Puerto Rico is the most beautiful city of the Caribbean.

El bróculi es el mejor.
Broccoli is the best.

Mi hermano es el más alto de la familia.
My brother is the tallest in the family.

Este tren es el tren más rápido.
This train is the fastest train.

El nuevo restaurante es el menos caro de la cuidad.
The new restaurant is the least expensive in the city.

Este es el barco más grande.
This is the biggest boat.

Esta película es la peor del verano.
This movie is the worst of the summer.


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