Folium: The 100 Most Beautiful Places via YourAmazingPlaces
The 100 Most Beautiful Places via YourAmazingPlaces Wow! As I look through the 100 pictures of the most beautiful places in the world, I am just amazed at what a beautiful world we live in. I love to travel and I am an adventurer. I believe that if you are learning a language that you […]
French Vocabulary: Numbers 100-1000+
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Numbers 100-1000+ le vocabulaire français: les nombres 100-1000+ Learning numbers 100-1000 (les nombres cent – mille) and beyond is very important in every major aspect of Francophone culture. You can tell time, buy and sell things, and count anything you want! Knowing numbers is a basic element of communication in any culture! Study: Learning numbers 100-1000 (les nombres […]
French Vocabulary: Numbers 60-100
… Identify: French Vocabulary: Numbers 60-100 le vocabulaire français: les nombres 60-100 Learning numbers 60-100 (les nombres soixante – cent) is very important in every major aspect of Francophone culture. You can tell time, buy and sell things, and count anything you want! Knowing numbers is a basic element of communication in any culture! Study: Learning numbers 60-100 (les nombres soixante – cent) is […]
Folium: How to say “I love you” in 100 languages
Folium: How to say “I love you” in 100 languages Just a bit of random cuteness today. 100 different languages and they all convey the same message. Makes you wonder if some things are truly universal. How many can you identify, and do you think the meaning-impact-effect changes at all among languages? How to say […]
Spanish Vocabulary: Numbers 100-1000+
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: Numbers 100-1000+ el vocabulario español: los números 100-1000+ Express basic concepts of quantity. Build upon the foundation of number patterns. … Connect LEAF Spanish Vocabulary: Numbers 0-10 LEAF Spanish Vocabulary: Numbers 11-29 LEAF Spanish Vocabulary: Numbers 30-100 … Study Here is a useful word to start off with: cuánto(s) : how much […]
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