Folium: Listen to Endangered Indigenous Languages From Around the World via Google Earth
… Connect Google Earth: Listen to Endangered Indigenous Languages From Around the World … English is the universal language of…everything, right? : If you are a native English speaker, have you ever considered the possibility of the English language going extinct? Probably not, because English is the most spoken language in the world! English has been […]

Folium: How Different Cultures Around the World Deal With Emotion and Conflict via BigThink
… Connect BigThink: How Different Cultures Around the World Deal With Emotion and Conflict … Many different people make up this world with varying colors, genders, sizes, sexualities and races just to name a few. Something that distinguishes a group of humans more than anything else is the way their culture affects them. In this article […]

Folium: Racing Around the Spanish Speaking World via Spanish For You.net
Folium: Racing Around the Spanish Speaking World via Spanish For You.net … Racing Around the Spanish Speaking World is an informative article which shows Spanish teachers a good exercise for learning Spanish. The exercise is good because the students are highly engaged in the activity and gain knowledge of Spanish geography and vocabulary. Moreover, they […]

Folium: Idioms of the World via Hotels.com
Folium: Idioms of the World via Hotels.com … “It’s raining cats and dogs out there!” When I was a child, my mother would use idioms constantly. On any given day she would use a half dozen idioms, in many languages. Mom was French. A product of French Canadian immigrants who lived in New Hampshire. Much […]

Folium: Back to School Traditions From Around the World via Digg
Folium: Back to School Traditions From Around the World via Digg As a school teacher now for almost nineteen years, I wonder how other countries celebrate the start of a new school year. I know for most of my colleagues and myself it starts with nervous twitches, feelings of being overwhelmed, and a few sleepless […]

Folium: Dining Etiquette From Around the World via JoinDarkSide
Dining Etiquette From Around the World via JoinDarkSide (Click for Graphic!) “Do NOT talk with food in your mouth!” Every child has probably heard this phrase at one time or another as well as “Keep your elbows off the table.” Both of these phrases correspond to the dining etiquette that is part of the American […]

Folium: Culturally Unique Breakfasts From Around The World via MyModernMet
Folium: Culturally Unique Breakfasts From Around The World via MyModernMet Pancakes and bacon…waffles with whipped cream…donuts…a spread of eggs and home fries with a side order of biscuits with sausage gravy; is there any meal more comforting than breakfast? Grab your guidebook and head out to enjoy breakfast in a foreign land. Whatever time zone […]

Folium: A Tourist’s Global Guide to Tipping via DailyInfographic
Folium: A Tourist’s Global Guide to Tipping via DailyInfographic Most people, if asked, will tell you a tip is designed to reward good service. But a number of those same people will tip the same amount, without regard for the level of service they receive. I know I have. As steamed as I can be […]

Folium: Food From Around The World via The Huffington Post
Folium: Food From Around the World via The Huffington Post In 2012 Michelle Obama introduced legislation that would revise public school lunches in an effort to bring America’s children back to healthy living and eating habits. The legislation called for more fruits and veggies, less sodium and fats, and a calorie limit for each meal. […]

Folium: July 4th Celebrations Around the World via Yahoo.com
Folium: July 4th Celebrations Around the World via Yahoo.com Today commemorates the birth of a nation, and just because it’s an American affair doesn’t mean that the party stops at the borders. The 4th of July is celebrated by people around the world. “The United States of America” is no longer just a country, it’s […]