Folium: Listen to Endangered Indigenous Languages From Around the World via Google Earth
… Connect Google Earth: Listen to Endangered Indigenous Languages From Around the World … English is the universal language of…everything, right? : If you are a native English speaker, have you ever considered the possibility of the English language going extinct? Probably not, because English is the most spoken language in the world! English has been […]

Folium: Why People Think Spanish Is Easier Than French via ThoughtCo
… Connect ThoughtCo – Why People Think Spanish Is Easier Than French … During my high school experience, there was a general consensus that Spanish was a far easier language than French. Although both were offered, there were two French teachers and four Spanish teachers to accommodate the far greater number of students taking Spanish. Even […]

Folium: How to Live Longer, from Two People Over 100 via LifeHacker
… Connect LifeHacker: How People Live To Be Over 100 In Costa Rica … The wellness craze sweeping the nation has many of us wondering, “How do I live longer?” or “How do we live healthier lives?” What is it about American culture that has us feeling so concerned, and why is it that we […]