Aero: Kelly Bailey – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations
… As I look upon my future trip to Costa Rica, I’m nervous about living with the host family. I’m excited to embrace another culture, yet I’m scared to accidentally offend my host family. The hope is to be as respectful as I possibly can without ignoring my identity as an American. … … In […]

Aero: Brianna Cardina – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations
… It will be an adventure – totally different from what goes on where I live. I’m nervous, but only because I’m not good at Spanish. The only fear I have is getting lost from the others when we travel. (That, and the bugs). Overall I’m excited and ready to go on this trip. I know to expect adventure, […]

Aero: Sarah Warner – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations
… When I signed up for this trip, it was honestly quite a spontaneous decision. I saw a flyer, and that day called my parents who to my surprise gave me the okay. Growing up I dreamed of traveling not only in college but also throughout my life (I was always one to dream big). […]

Aero: Brianna Jackson – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations
… I’ve never been to a foreign country before, so I’m very excited about this trip. It’s also a little nerve wracking as well. When we arrive in Costa Rica I’m sure I’ll be a little overwhelmed with everything. I’m most nervous about living with a host family because I’ve never lived with such a […]

Aero: Alysa Halsey – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations
… As the day gets closer, my nerves become more apparent to me and my family. I am extremely excited for the trip to Costa Rica but I am also a bit jittery! Traveling to a different country is much different than traveling to a different state, especially with a group of people I barely […]

Aero: David Whitt – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations
… To be honest, I don’t really know what to expect. First and foremost, a big part of me going on this trip is to get out of my comfort zone, so my biggest expectation would be to get the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and do things I normally wouldn’t do, […]

Aero: Tiffany Bane – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations
… I’m not sure what to except on this trip, but I love trying new things! I love to travel, and I have been to many states. But I have never been out of the country, and it is something that I’ve always wanted to do, and this is my first opportunity to travel outside […]

Aero: Ana Northrop – Costa Rica 2016 – My Expectations
… As the trip to Costa Rica approaches I can feel the excitement and anticipation of the unknown. I have traveled outside the country before, but that was a long time ago. As for the language barrier I’m not too nervous because I know a little Spanish from taking it in high school and in […]
Spanish Reading Selections: The Academic Financial Aid Process
Spanish Reading Selections: The Academic Financial Aid Process … A word about reading texts in their original language: This is freaking hard! Yup. Languages can be complicated! Can’t I just use Google translate on this stuff and read it in English? I guess you could… Then why should I read this? Because reading texts like […]