French Reading Selections: Claude Eliane Kesney Mikolo – L’Amour Entre par la Cuisine
… Take the time to review the following LEAF French Grammar lessons before reading the literary selection for this Module, in order to help you better understand the selection: LEAF French Grammar: The Passé Simple (Historic Past Tense) – Regular Verbs LEAF French Grammar: The Passé Simple (Historic Past Tense) – Irregular Verbs LEAF French Grammar: The Past Anterior … Claude Eliane Kesney Mikolo […]
French Vocabulary: Kitchen Tools and Equipment
Identify: French Vocabulary: Kitchen Tools and Equipment le vocabulaire français: des outils et équipement de la cuisine Learning to talk about the home can help you communicate your living accommodations to others! This can help you get things fixed around the house, or can help you identify something that you need, or tell someone where you are! (La maison […]
French Vocabulary: Kitchen
Identify: French Vocabulary: Kitchen le vocabulaire français: la cuisine Learning to talk about the home can help you communicate your living accommodations to others! This can help you get things fixed around the house, or can help you identify something that you need, or tell someone where you are! (La maison – les toilettes et la salle […]