Folium: How Different Cultures Around the World Deal With Emotion and Conflict via BigThink
… Connect BigThink: How Different Cultures Around the World Deal With Emotion and Conflict … Many different people make up this world with varying colors, genders, sizes, sexualities and races just to name a few. Something that distinguishes a group of humans more than anything else is the way their culture affects them. In this article […]

Folium: Colours in Cultures via Visual.ly
Folium: Colours in Cultures via Visual.ly First of all, how could you deny any infographic that has the world “colour” in the title. It’s like a BBC documentary narrated by David Attenborough, it just sounds so perfectly classy. It would be a shame not to bring it up! This, of course, isn’t Folium’s forst foray […]

Folium: The Exploding Internet via NewScientist.com
The Exploding Internet via NewScientist.com In academic institutions, I sometimes have a difficult time convincing students (and other faculty) why languages are no longer an elective – but should be a requirement for all programs. Nothing upsets me more than a student who is born, raised, goes to school, and gets a job in the […]