French Grammar: Vowels and Vowel Sounds
Identify: French Grammar: Vowels and Vowel Sounds la grammaire française: les voyelles et les sons des voyelles Understanding vowels (les voyelles) and vowel sounds is an important part of the French language. You need them to read, write, and speak French well! Many parts of French depend greatly on getting vowel sounds right, so listen carefully! Study: […]
French Grammar: The Personal Pronoun – [ON]
… Identify: French Grammar: The Personal Pronoun – [ON] la grammaire française : le pronom personnel – [on] Subject pronouns (also called Personal Pronouns) let us know who or what is involved when we use verbs! Subject pronouns are used in all aspects of conversation, including people and actions! The subject pronoun “ON” literally means “one”. […]
French Grammar: The Preposition [DE]
… Identify: French Grammar: The Preposition [DE] la grammaire française: la préposition [de] The preposition DE means “of” or “from” in French! Study: ORIGIN: The preposition DE means “of” or “from” in French! It is often combined with the verb ÊTRE. Je suis de California. I am from California. Je viens de Paris. I come from Paris. […]
French Grammar: Prepositions of Place
… Identify: French Grammar: Prepositions of Place la grammaire française: les prépositions de lieu French prepositions of place are used to locate people, places, or things in relation to another person, place, or thing. It’s all relative! Study: French prepositions of place are used to locate people, places, or things in relation to another person, […]
French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] with Possession
… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] with Possession la grammaire française : le verbe [avoir] avec la possession The verb AVOIR means “to have”. It shows possession! Study: French Grammar: The Verb AVOIR – Verb Conjugation Chart The verb AVOIR means “to have”. It shows possession. J’ai un livre de français. I have a […]
French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] with Age
… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] with Age la grammaire française: le verbe [avoir] avec l’âge The verb AVOIR means “to have”. It shows possession! There are also a number of other expressions that use AVOIR to communicate different types of physical and emotional states. In French, the verb AVOIR is also used to […]
French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] – Basics
… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] – Basics la grammaire française : le verbe [avoir] – les rudiments The verb AVOIR means “to have”. It shows possession! The verb AVOIR also is used for many different kinds of expressions in French. Study: The verb AVOIR means “to have” (I have, you have, he/she has …). […]
French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] with Other Expressions
… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [AVOIR] with Other Expressions la grammaire française: le verbe [avoir] avec d’autres expressions The verb AVOIR means to HAVE. It shows possession! You’ll also use the verb AVOIR when you need to tell people when you are hungry, thirsty, scared, or other feelings! Study: The verb AVOIR means to HAVE. It shows possession! […]