French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Other Expressions
… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Other Expressions la grammaire française: le verbe FAIRE avec autres usages The verb FAIRE means to do or to make (I do, you do, he/she does, etc.… / I make, you make, he/she makes, etc…). The verb FAIRE is extremely commonly used in French. It is also […]
French Grammar: Demonstrative Pronouns
Identify: French Grammar: Demonstrative Pronouns la grammaire française: les pronoms démonstratifs DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS point out (“demonstrate”) specific people, places, and things. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS agree in number and gender with the noun they replace. Study: Don’t get Demonstrative Pronouns confused with Demonstrative Adjectives! They look somewhat similar, but have different functions! Demonstrative Adjectives help to describe and identify people, places, […]
French Grammar: Demonstrative Adjectives
… Identify: French Grammar: Demonstrative Adjectives la grammaire française: les adjectifs démonstratifs Used to point out (demonstrate) people, places, and things. Must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. Study: Don’t get Demonstrative Adjectives confused with Demonstrative Pronouns! They look somewhat similar, but have different functions! Demonstrative Adjectives can mean either this/that or these/those. […]
French Grammar: Commands with Object Pronouns
… Identify: French Grammar: Commands with Object Pronouns la grammaire française: l’impératif avec les pronoms Study: You can attach certain Direct Object Pronouns, Indirect Object Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, and the Adverbial Pronouns [Y] and [EN] to command forms! It’s important to pay attention to whether a command is affirmative or negative, since this will affect the order in which the object pronouns are […]
French Grammar: Imperatives – Construction and Form
… Identify: French Grammar: The Imperative (Command Form) – Construction la grammaire française: l’impératif – conjugaison Study: Imperatives (commands) are words that are used to give instructions, or to ask or tell a person to do (or not do) something. If you want to be able to tell someone how or what to do (or […]
French Grammar: Imperatives – Basics
… Identify: French Grammar: Imperatives – Basics la grammaire française: les impératifs – une introduction Study: Imperatives (commands) are words that are used to give instructions, or to ask or tell a person to do (or not do) something. If you want to be able to tell someone how or what to do (or not […]
French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Sports
… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Sports la grammaire française: le verbe [faire] avec les sports The verb FAIRE means to do or to make. (I do, you do, he/she does, etc.… / I make, you make, he/she makes, etc…) The verb FAIRE is also used in a variety of vocabulary expressions, like […]
French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Weather Expressions
… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] with Weather Expressions la grammaire française: le verbe [faire] avec les expressions du temps The verb FAIRE means to do or to make. (I do, you do, he/she does, etc.… / I make, you make, he/she makes, etc…) The verb FAIRE is also used in a variety of […]
French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] – Basics
… Identify: French Grammar: The Verb [FAIRE] – Basics la grammaire française: le verbe [faire] – les rudiments The verb FAIRE means to do or to make. (I do, you do, he/she does…, etc.). It is an irregular verb, but one which is used very often in French. Study: The verb FAIRE means to do […]
Spanish Grammar: The Past Perfect (Pluperfect)
… Identify Spanish Grammar: The Past Perfect (Pluperfect) la gramática española: el pluscuamperfecto Compound verb tenses with the verb [HABER]. Expresses what has already happened before another action. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: The Perfect Tenses – Basics … 60-Second Spanish Grammar Lesson Coming Soon! … Study Perfect tenses are also known as compound tenses, it uses […]