Folium: Cell Phone Etiquette Around the World via Best Infographics
Folium: Cell Phone Etiquette Around the World via Best Infographics … Have you ever wished to hold the world in your hands? Chances are if you are an American adult, you already do. Introducing: your cell phone. According to Pew Internet Project research, as of January 2014 90% of American adults own a cell phone, […]

Folium: What Are The Hardest Languages To Learn via Voxy
Folium: What Are The Hardest Languages To Learn via Voxy Have you ever wanted to learn a new language, but you were too overwhelmed with the thought of it being too difficult? What about time consuming? I have definitely thought this when I wanted to learn American Sign Language, German, and Japanese. Although I have […]

Folium: Why It Pays To Be Bilingual via Voxy
Folium: Why It Pays To Be Bilingual via Voxy Check out CareerBuilder.com to find more than 6,000 job postings seeking bilingual applicants. Employees bilingual in English and Spanish are particularly in demand. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Latinos are now the nation’s largest minority group, accounting for half of the nation’s population growth since […]
Spanish Reading Selections: The Academic Financial Aid Process
Spanish Reading Selections: The Academic Financial Aid Process … A word about reading texts in their original language: This is freaking hard! Yup. Languages can be complicated! Can’t I just use Google translate on this stuff and read it in English? I guess you could… Then why should I read this? Because reading texts like […]

Folium: Colours in Cultures via Visual.ly
Folium: Colours in Cultures via Visual.ly First of all, how could you deny any infographic that has the world “colour” in the title. It’s like a BBC documentary narrated by David Attenborough, it just sounds so perfectly classy. It would be a shame not to bring it up! This, of course, isn’t Folium’s forst foray […]

Folium: The True Size of Africa via Kai Krause
Folium: The True Size of Africa via Kai Krause “To put a city in a book, to put the world on one sheet of paper — maps are the most condensed humanized spaces of all…They make the landscape fit indoors, make us masters of sights we can’t see and spaces we can’t cover.” – Robert […]

Folium: The Exploding Internet via NewScientist.com
The Exploding Internet via NewScientist.com In academic institutions, I sometimes have a difficult time convincing students (and other faculty) why languages are no longer an elective – but should be a requirement for all programs. Nothing upsets me more than a student who is born, raised, goes to school, and gets a job in the […]

Folium: How Are You Today? via Visual.ly
How Are You Today? via Visual.ly We write a lot on LEAF about how everyone around the world is more alike than we realize. Peoples is peoples! Today’s Infographic comes from Skype via Visual.ly (am I crazy for not being used to international web address endings yet?) When we meet new people, there is always […]
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