French Grammar: Irregular Past Participles
… Identify: French Grammar: Irregular Past Participles la grammaire française: le participe passé des verbes irréguliers Connect: LEAF French Grammar: The Past Participle Study: The past participle is the general equivalent of using [-ED] in English. It can be used in a variety of functions, including compound tenses and as adjectives with the verb ‘ÊTRE’. Click here to learn about the […]
French Grammar: Present Subjunctive of Irregular Verbs
… Identify: French Grammar: Present Subjunctive of Irregular Verbs la grammaire française: les verbes irréguliers au présent du subjonctif Study: The subjunctive is not a verb tense, but a mood. It is an alternative verb form that has to be used in certain circumstances. “Mood” is actually a good way to think of the subjunctive, since it […]
French Grammar: The Passé Simple (Historic Past Tense) – Irregular Verbs
… Identify: French Grammar: The Passé Simple (Historic Past Tense) – Irregular Verbs la grammaire française : le passé simple – les verbes irréguliers When speaking about the past in English, you choose which past tense to use depending on the context and the meaning you wish to convey. In French sentences, you choose which past tense to use depending […]
French Grammar: Irregular Verbs – Basics
Identify: French Grammar: Irregular Verbs – Basics la grammaire française: verbes irreguliers – les essentiels Verbs are used to communicate actions. They DO things! If you plan on doing anything in French, you’ll need to learn how verbs work! When we conjugate all kinds of verbs, they are usually identified as regular or irregular verbs. […]
French Grammar: Common Irregular Verbs – Present Tense
… Identify: French Grammar: Common Irregular Verbs – Present Tense la grammaire française: verbes irréguliers courants – temps présent Verbs are used to communicate actions. Common verbs express day-to-day activities. Study: Infinitives and Conjugation: Infinitive verbs are verbs that are unchanged. They are in their most basic form, and can be adapted in many different […]